
🔧 actions-hottest🚀: GitHub Actions for Commenting on Golang Unit Test Results in Pull Requests

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Make the test results more user-friendly

I previously introduced a feature in the go-spectest/spectest, which extracts error messages from Golang unit test results.

I have now separated that functionality into the nao1215/hottest command.

The 'hottest' command can use the same options as 'go test':


hottest on GitHub Actions

Many people run unit tests using GitHub Actions. Therefore, I created nao1215/actions-hottest to make it easy to execute 'hottest' in GitHub Actions.

Here is an example workflow for running unit tests using 'hottest':

name: SampleTest


    name: sample test

        platform: [ubuntu-latest]

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
          go-version: "1"
          check-latest: true

      - uses: nao1215/actions-hottest@v1
          # This argument is same as `go test` command.
          args: '-cover -coverpkg=./... -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...'

Here are the logs for when the unit tests succeed and when they fail:

  • when all test pass

  • when some test fails

Comments Test Results in Pull Request

I find it inconvenient to check the workflow logs when tests fail. Therefore, I have decided to have 'hottest' leave the test results as comments in the Pull Request.

Here are the comments for when the unit tests succeed and when they fail:

  • when all test pass

  • when some test fails


'hottest' is a command that extracts error messages from failed unit tests. You can easily adopt GitHub Actions. Its usage is similar to 'go test,' and there is no need to rewrite the test code.

lease do give 'hottest' a try!! Additionally, your support in the form of a GitHub star would be encouraging for further development.


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