🐧 Systemd's new blue screen of death (systemd-bsod)
Nachrichtenbereich: 🐧 Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle: reddit.com
Systemd v255 was released recently (https://old.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/18cemz0/systemd_v255_released/). It adds a new systemd-bsod
daemon to display a blue screen of death if a critical error occurs. I haven't been able to find any pictures of what that looks like, so here's how you can trigger a BSOD and an image of the result.
The QR code reads "foo." To reproduce:
sudo /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-bsod --continuous
sudo systemd-cat -p emerg echo "foo"
Of course, to do this you'll need a system with an up-to-date systemd package installed. v255 is already in the Arch repos.
Also see: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/latest/systemd-bsod.service.html
Edit: If you press any key to continue, the BSOD disappears and reveals whatever was present on the screen behind it. In my case, since I ran those commands from a graphical Konsole terminal, it went back to the Wayland session. This shouldn't stop you from looking at a kernel panic.
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🐧 Systemd's new blue screen of death (systemd-bsod)
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🐧 Linux Tipps
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