
🕵️ PHPJabbers Event Booking Calendar 4.0 Missing Rate Limiting

Nachrichtenbereich: 🕵️ Sicherheitslücken
🔗 Quelle: packetstormsecurity.com

PHPJabbers Event Booking Calendar version 4.0 suffers from multiple missing rate limiting vulnerabilities. ...

🕵️ PHPJabbers Event Booking Calendar 4.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 88.12 Punkte
🕵️ Sicherheitslücken

💾 PHPJabbers Availability Booking Calendar 5.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 81.57 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

💾 PHPJabbers Time Slots Booking Calendar 4.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 81.57 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

⚠️ PHPJabbers Restaurant Booking System 3.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 70.56 Punkte
⚠️ PoC

⚠️ PHPJabbers Night Club Booking Software 1.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 70.56 Punkte
⚠️ PoC

🕵️ PHPJabbers Car Park Booking System 3.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 70.56 Punkte
🕵️ Sicherheitslücken

💾 PHPJabbers Meeting Room Booking System 1.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 70.56 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

💾 PHPJabbers Cinema Booking System 1.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 70.56 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

💾 PHPJabbers Event Ticketing System 1.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 65.36 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

🔧 What is Rate Limiting? Exploring the Role of Rate Limiting in Protecting Web APIs from Attacks

📈 59.27 Punkte
🔧 Programmierung

⚠️ PHPJabbers Bus Reservation System 1.1 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 58.8 Punkte
⚠️ PoC

💾 PHPJabbers Cleaning Business Software 1.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 58.8 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

💾 PHPJabbers Appointment Scheduler 3.0 Missing Rate Limiting

📈 58.8 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

⚠️ PHPJabbers Shared Asset Booking System 1.0 Missing Rate Limit

📈 53.16 Punkte
⚠️ PoC

🕵️ PHPJabbers Event Booking Calendar 4.0 Cross Site Scripting / HTML Injection

📈 49.07 Punkte
🕵️ Sicherheitslücken

💾 PHPJabbers Time Slots Booking Calendar 4.0 HTML Injection

📈 42.51 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

💾 PHPJabbers Time Slots Booking Calendar 4.0 Cross Site Scripting

📈 42.51 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

💾 PHPJabbers Availability Booking Calendar 5.0 CSV Injection

📈 42.51 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

💾 PHPJabbers Availability Booking Calendar 5.0 Cross Site Scripting

📈 42.51 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

⚠️ #0daytoday #PHPJabbers Availability Booking Calendar 5.0 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability [#0day #Exploit]

📈 42.51 Punkte
⚠️ PoC

⚠️ #0daytoday #PHPJabbers Availability Booking Calendar 5.0 CSV Injection Vulnerability [#0day #Exploit]

📈 42.51 Punkte
⚠️ PoC

⚠️ PHPJabbers Availability Booking Calendar 5.0 HTML Injection

📈 42.51 Punkte
⚠️ PoC

⚠️ PHPJabbers Time Slots Booking Calendar 4.0 CSV Injection

📈 42.51 Punkte
⚠️ PoC

🔧 Overcoming Hard Rate Limits: Efficient Rate Limiting with Token Bucketing and Redis

📈 41.86 Punkte
🔧 Programmierung

💾 PHPJabbers Car Rental 3.0 Missing Rate Limit

📈 41.4 Punkte
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💾 Dovecot IMAP Server 2.2 / 2.3 Missing Rate Limiting

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💾 Anuko Time Tracker Missing Rate Limiting

📈 39.05 Punkte
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💾 Anuko Time Tracker Missing Rate Limiting

📈 39.05 Punkte
💾 IT Security Tools

🕵️ Medium CVE-2017-17616: Event calendar category script project Event calendar category script

📈 35.12 Punkte
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🕵️ CVE-2022-47428 | WpDevArt Booking Calendar, Appointment Booking System Plugin sql injection

📈 34.52 Punkte
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🕵️ PHPJabbers Night Club Booking Software Reservations Tab name Stored Cross Site Scripting

📈 31.51 Punkte
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