
📚 How to install GPG (gnupg2) on a Debian Linux to fix gpg command not found error

Nachrichtenbereich: 🐧 Unix Server
🔗 Quelle: cyberciti.biz

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GnuPG2 (or GPG2) is an open-source and free tool that implements the OpenPGP standard. Its primary purpose is to encrypt your sensitive information to protect it from unauthorized access. It also allows you to create digital signatures, guaranteeing that the data hasn't been tampered with while in transit. Many newly created Debian 11/12 cloud VMs and images may not have the gpg/gpg2 command installed. Thus, you will get an error that reads "-bash: gpg: command not found." Here is how to fix this error and install gnupg2 on a Debian Linux 11 or 12. Further, you will learn how to use the gpg command.

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