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📚 Submission Of Project For Front-end Challenge 2024-Earth Day Edition: Glam up My Markup

💡 Newskategorie: Programmierung
🔗 Quelle:

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, Glam Up My Markup: Earth Day Celebration Landing Page

What I Built

For the Front-End Challenge: Earth Day Edition, I embarked on designing a captivating landing page to raise awareness about Earth Day and inspire the developer community to take action



My Journey Was Extremely Simple:
I just opened my editor and typed some random css😂


📌 Glam Up My Markup Contest Submission | Special Effects with backdrop-filter() ✨

📈 58.72 Punkte

📌 Glam Up My Markup Submission (Interactive Form)

📈 58.72 Punkte

📌 Glam up my markup challenge - Camp activities, how good could I possibly make it using just plain HTML, CSS, JS???

📈 51.15 Punkte

📌 Glam Up My Markup Challenge

📈 51.15 Punkte

📌 My First DEV Challenge v24.03.20, Glam Up My Markup: Camp Activities_

📈 51.15 Punkte

📌 🌊 Glam Up My Markup: Beach Edition 🌴

📈 47.53 Punkte

📌 Glam Up My Markup

📈 41.84 Punkte

📌 Glam Up My Markup: Camp Activities with stars (particles)

📈 41.84 Punkte

📌 Glam Up My Markup: Camp Activities

📈 41.84 Punkte

📌 A Half-baked Work at Glam Up My Markup

📈 41.84 Punkte

📌 Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

📈 41.84 Punkte

📌 Glam Up My Markup: Beaches - with new shiny CSS features

📈 41.84 Punkte

📌 Zero byte favicon markup — Keep the favicons without any of the markup

📈 36.3 Punkte

📌 Updated Researcher Portal Submission Form: Discover the New Fields in the Submission Form

📈 33.76 Punkte

📌 GNOME Community Engagement Challenge Opens Submission

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 🚀 My Cloudflare AI Challenge Submission: Story and Image Generator

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Submission for the Coze AI Bot Challenge:

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Cloudflare AI Challenge Submission: ImageHarmony 🎵🖌

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Litoco AI: Link to Content - Cloudflare AI Challenge Submission

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 This is a submission for the Coze AI Bot Challenge

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 This is a submission for the Coze AI Bot Challenge

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge Submission: Dynamic Image Gallery with Netlify Image CDN Visual Feast

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge Submission: Dynamic Image Gallery with Netlify Image CDN Visual Feast

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Dev OPinion - Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge Submission

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge Submission: Visual Feast-- Netlify CDN Cache-Control Implementation

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge Submission

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Recipe App submission for AWS Amplify Fullstack Typescript Challenge

📈 26.19 Punkte

📌 Microsoft Office/Project Markup File origin validation [CVE-2020-1449]

📈 23.99 Punkte

📌 Google hits brand slam stamping AMP with more crypto glam

📈 23.69 Punkte

📌 Apple Watch goes glam with gorgeous Goldenerre bands and bracelets

📈 23.69 Punkte

📌 Thor - Love and Thunder: Erste Bilder zeigen Chris Hemsworth als muskulösen Glam-Rocker

📈 23.69 Punkte

📌 MY Submission for dev/Frontend_Challenge June edition

📈 22.57 Punkte

📌 CVE-2024-2610 | Mozilla Thunderbird Markup injection (DLA 3769-1)

📈 22.36 Punkte

📌 CVE-2024-2610 | Mozilla Firefox Markup injection (DLA 3769-1)

📈 22.36 Punkte
