
🐧 Makefile etiquette: Do you copy your entire build folder into "/opt" or "/usr/local/lib", and then symlink the binaries to '/usr/local/bin'?

Nachrichtenbereich: 🐧 Linux Tipps
🔗 Quelle: reddit.com

As a software auteur, I'm wondering how I should go about populating the system folders with the files needed for my application to run.

My idea is to build, then copy the entire build folder into "/opt" or "/usr/local/lib", and then symlink the binaries to '/usr/local/bin'. My question is, should I use '/opt' or '/usr/local/lib', or something else? Or is there some other recommended way?

Of course, man pages could go into the corresponding system folder for auto discoverability.

In my case, I'm using a scripting language, so my 'build' folder consists of scripts in different folders, some of which should end up in the user's path.

submitted by /u/deepCelibateValue
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