Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator ๐Ÿ“Œ I have autism. So keep that in mind. I'm not being ableist or discriminatory with this post. It's just that, Linux supercharges my disposition. In such a familiar way, that I wonder if all of this is true for other users as well?

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๐Ÿ“š I have autism. So keep that in mind. I'm not being ableist or discriminatory with this post. It's just that, Linux supercharges my disposition. In such a familiar way, that I wonder if all of this is true for other users as well?

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

TL;DR - Linux helps me empower myself, as someone with autism. Which is not what I expected. So I'm wondering if other users experience anything similar?

Like the title reads, I have autism. I've had this disposition since I was born. And it will never go away. Which is both awesome, and exactly what I'd like to get across with this post.

IMO/IME, the more familiar that I become with Linux, the more my autism shines. Or expands. The more I feel like I'm being called out of my shell.

Linux feels like home for me, both as a Developer and an person. Which isn't so much a political statement, as it is increasingly a fact.

Linux makes my autism a superpower. Explicitly because I can tinker without fear or boundaries.

There's a lot going on in this post. But the intent should be clear.

Regardless of the confusion that a post like this might draw out in some folks, I'll wager that most Linux users can relate to the sentiment being shared and connections being made herein.

Linux is pretty cool.

submitted by /u/-bretbernhoft__
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