

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Topic: Functions

Program requirements:
Displays your first and last name

Use a function to display your first name
Use a function to display your last name
Use the println macro to display messages to the terminal
function to display your first name

fn first_name() -> String {

// function to display your last name
fn last_name() -> String {

fn main() {
    println!("my name is {} {}", first_name(), last_name());

Topic: Basic arithmetic

Program requirements:
Displays the result of the sum of two numbers
Use a function to add two numbers together
Use a function to display the result
Use the "{:?}" token in the println macro to display the result

fn add(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 {
    a + b

fn main() {
    let result = add(1.0, 2.0);
    println!("The result is: {:?}", result);

Topic: Flow control using if..else

Program requirements:
Displays a message based on the value of a boolean variable
When the variable is set to true, display "hello"
When the variable is set to false, display "goodbye"
Use a variable set to either true or false
Use an if..else block to determine which message to display
Use the println macro to display messages to the terminal

fn main() {
    let fact = true; // * Use a variable set to either true or false

    // * Use an if..else block to determine which message to display
    // * Use the println macro to display messages to the terminal

    if fact {
    } else {

Topic: Flow control using if..else if..else

Program requirements:
Display ">5", "<5", or "=5" based on the value of a variable
is > 5, < 5, or == 5, respectively
Use a variable set to any integer value
Use an if..else if..else block to determine which message to display
Use the println macro to display messages to the terminal

fn main() {
    let compare = 5;

    if compare > 5 {
        println!("{} is > 5", compare);
    } else if compare < 5 {
        println!("{} is < 5", compare);
    } else {
        println!("{} is = 5", compare);

Topic: Decision making with match

Program requirements:
Display "it's true" or "it's false" based on the value of a variable
Use a variable set to either true or false
Use a match expression to determine which message to display

fn main() {
    let set = true;

    match set {
        true => println!("it's true"),
        false => println!("it's false"),

Topic: Decision making with match

Program requirements:
Display "one", "two", "three", or "other" based on whether
the value of a variable is 1, 2, 3, or some other number,
Use a variable set to any integer
Use a match expression to determine which message to display
Use an underscore (_) to match on any value

fn main() {
    let number = 100;

    match number {
        1 => println!("one"),
        2 => println!("two"),
        3 => println!("three"),
        _ => println!("other"),

Topic: Looping using the loop statement

Program requirements:
Display "1" through "4" in the terminal
Use a mutable integer variable
Use a loop statement
Print the variable within the loop statement
Use break to exit the loop

fn main() {
    let mut iter = 1;

    loop {
        println!("{}", iter + 1);
        iter += 1;

        if iter == 4 {

Topic: Looping using the while statement

Program requirements:
Counts down from 5 to 1, displays the countdown
in the terminal, then prints "done!" when complete.
Use a mutable integer variable
Use a while statement
Print the variable within the while loop
Do not use break to exit the loop

fn main() {
    let mut countdown = 5;
    while countdown > 0 {
        println!("{}", countdown);
        countdown -= 1;

Topic: Working with an enum

Program requirements:
Prints the name of a color to the terminal
Use an enum with color names as variants
Use a function to print the color name
The function must use the enum as a parameter
Use a match expression to determine which color
name to print

enum Color {

fn pintcolor(color: Color) {
    match color {
        Color::Red => println!("Red"),
        Color::Pink => println!("pink"),
        Color::White => println!("white"),

fn main() {

Topic: Organizing similar data using structs

Print the flavor of a drink and it's fluid ounces
Use an enum to create different flavors of drinks
Use a struct to store drink flavor and fluid ounce information
Use a function to print out the drink flavor and ounces
Use a match expression to print the drink flavor

enum Drinks {
// * Use a struct to store drink flavor and fluid ounce information
struct DrinksFlavor {
    flavor: Drinks,
    fluid: f64,
// * Use a function to print out the drink flavor and ounces
fn print_drinks(flavor: DrinksFlavor) {
    // * Use a match expression to print the drink flavor
    match flavor.flavor {
        Drinks::Orange => println!("orange"),
        Drinks::Coke => println!("coke"),
        Drinks::Fanta => println!("fanta"),
        Drinks::Lime => println!("lime"),
    println!("{} ounces", flavor.fluid);

fn main() {
    let lime = DrinksFlavor {
        flavor: Drinks::Lime,
        fluid: 1.0,
    let orange = DrinksFlavor {
        flavor: Drinks::Orange,
        fluid: 1.0,
    let coke = DrinksFlavor {
        flavor: Drinks::Coke,
        fluid: 1.0,
    let fanta = DrinksFlavor {
        flavor: Drinks::Fanta,
        fluid: 1.0,

Topic: Data management using tuples

Print whether the y-value of a cartesian coordinate is
greater than 5, less than 5, or equal to 5
Use a function that returns a tuple
Destructure the return value into two variables
Use an if..else if..else block to determine what to print
Use a function that returns a tuple

struct Quantity {
    grocery: Box<str>,
    quantity: i32,
    id: i32,

fn display_quantity(grocery: &Quantity) {
        "{:#?} {:?} {:?}",
        grocery.grocery, grocery.quantity, grocery.id

fn main() {
    let grocery = Quantity {
        grocery: "garri".to_string().into(),
        quantity: 1,
        id: 4,

![Image description](https://dev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/articles/ggy1mvdfo9q9bkex8aij.png)

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