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📚 Toil! What is it good for? - Akira Brand - RSA24 #1

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Video
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Author: Security Weekly - Bewertung: 0x - Views:0

- What is Toil - Cost of toil - We'll gladly show you how we reduced it and how you can too, but... you have to come to the talk to find out! Segment Resources: Cherniss (1980) introduced burnout as a process in which engaged employees withdraw from their jobs as a reaction to ongoing job strain Maslach and Leiter’s (1997) definition of burnout as the process by which formerly important, meaningful, and challenging work (i.e., work that is highly engaging) becomes unimportant, meaningless, and unfulfilling (i.e., exhausting). Is Work Engagement Exhausting? The Longitudinal Relationship Between Work Engagement and Exhaustion Using Latent Growth Modeling. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, 2021. —------------------- “The root cause of burnout is people’s need to believe their life is meaningful - and the things they do, and consequently they themselves, are important and significant” Treating career burnout; a psychodynamic perspective. Journal of Clinical Psychology. May2000, Vol. 56 Issue 5, p633-642 —-------------- When the job is boring: the role of boredom in organizational Contexts. By: Guglielmi, Dina; Simbula, Silvia; Mazzetti, Greta; Tabanelli, Maria Carla; Bonfiglioli, Roberta. Work. 2013 —----------------------- Come experience Akira and Jennifer's talk on toil TOMORROW, May 7, at 2:25 in room 3014 in Moscone West! Show Notes:


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