🔧 Unbelieable Yarn Issue - Solution with node version
Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to
This time I'm going to talk about an error that looks simple but is very hard to fix with 'yarn install' command.
If you work as a software developer working in a NodeJS environment and especially yarn commands, you may encounter this kind of problem frequently.
Then let's see about the issue.
When executing the 'yarn install' command in a NodeJS environment, I encountered an error message stating:
There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...
After attempting a suggested solution involving a specific flag, the error persisted.
Subsequent research led me to suspect a potential issue related to the Node version. Upon downgrading the Node version from 22.0.0 to 18.12.0 and re-running the command, the issue was successfully resolved.
If anyone else encounters this issue, I recommend trying the solution of downgrading the Node version to 18.12.0. If this solution does not work, or if there are any other challenges, please feel free to reach out for further assistance. Good luck!
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