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๐Ÿ“š react-dropzone with web worker

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Programmierung
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:


Once I had a weird experience with large images and some stuff like images and react-dropzone. It was too laggy with large ones and it blocked some UI elements.


  • react and stuff chained with it
  • react-dropzone


I have written an example with the default preset for react-dropzone and just trying to upload some large img.

First code block (such as default preset):

import { useCallback, useState } from 'react'
import { useDropzone } from 'react-dropzone'

export const Dropzone = () => {
    const [state, setState] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined)
    const onDrop = useCallback((acceptedFiles: File[]) => {
        acceptedFiles.forEach((file) => {
            const reader = new FileReader()

            reader.onload = () => {
                const result = reader.result as any


    }, [])

    const { getRootProps, getInputProps } = useDropzone({ onDrop })

    return (
        <div {...getRootProps()}>
            <input {...getInputProps()} />
            <p>Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files</p>
            {state && <img src={state} style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }} />}

We can try to use input while we trying to upload an image and ... it's gone.

So I tried many things and maybe u can provide ur own solutions to comments or will create another article about it, will appreciate it.


The solution is to use Web Worker to unload our operation.
The preload by new Image() does not work.
Web Worker has no Image at all, though.


onmessage = async function (event) {
    const response = await fetch(
    const blob = await response.blob()


import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useDropzone } from 'react-dropzone'

export const Dropzone = () => {
    const [state, setState] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined)
    const [worker, setWorker] = useState<Worker | null>(null)
    const onDrop = useCallback(
        (acceptedFiles: File[]) => {
            acceptedFiles.forEach((file) => {
                const reader = new FileReader()

                reader.onload = () => {
                    const result = reader.result as string
                    if (worker) {
                        worker.postMessage({ result })


    const { getRootProps, getInputProps } = useDropzone({ onDrop })

    useEffect(() => {
        const workerInstance = new Worker(new URL('worker.js', import.meta.url))
        workerInstance.onmessage = function ({ data }) {


        return () => workerInstance.terminate()
    }, [])
    return (
        <div {...getRootProps()}>
            <input {...getInputProps()} />
            <p>Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files</p>
            {state && <img src={state} style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }} />}


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