📰 Rust-Written 'Redox OS' Now Has a Working Web Server
Nachrichtenbereich: 📰 IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle: tech.slashdot.org
An anonymous Slashdot reader shared this report from Phoronix: The Redox OS project that is a from scratch open-source operating system written in the Rust programming language now has a working web server, among other improvements achieved during the month of July... Notable new software work includes getting the Simple HTTP Server running as the first web (HTTP) server for the platform. Simple HTTP Server itself is written in Rust as well. There is also an ongoing effort to bring the Apache HTTP server to Redox OS too. Another app milestone is the wget program now working on Redox OS. There's also been more work on getting the COSMIC desktop apps working on Redox OS, build system improvements, and other changes.
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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