
🔧 React Unit Testing using Vitest

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to


Types of Testing

  1. Unit Testing
  2. Component Testing
  3. Integration Testing
  4. E2E Testing

Unit Testing

  • Here I am using Vitest for the unit testing rather than jest.

Vitest is a modern test runner that is designed to work well with Vite, a build tool for React, Vue, etc


  • Vitest is designed to be fast. It takes advantage of Vite's fast module server to quickly run tests in parallel using native ES modules, which can result in faster test execution times compared to Jest.

ESM Support:

  • Vitest has built-in support for ES modules, allowing you to write tests using native ESM syntax without needing to transpile your code

Vite Compatibility:

  • If you're already using Vite in your project, using Vitest for testing can make your setup simpler and more consistent, as they're designed to work well together.


  • Vitest provides a simple and intuitive API for mocking modules, which can make your tests easier to write and understand.
import { expect, describe, it, vi, beforeEach, afterEach } from "vitest";
import * as ApiHelper from "./Api.helpers";

// Here we need to import these in every test file, but there is a provision to do it in global level

//lets say we want to spy some API calls
 spyGetAllCategory = vi
        .spyOn(ApiHelper, "getAllCategory")
            id: "12",
            name: "asda",

      spyGetQuestions = vi.spyOn(ApiHelper, "getQuestions").mockResolvedValue([
          type: "my",
          difficulty: "easy",
          category: "common",
          question: "How are you ?",
          correct_answer: "C",
          incorrect_answers: ["A", "B", "D"],

    afterEach(() => {

// how to test it
 it("getQuestions", async () => {
      await ApiHelper.getQuestions({ category: "simple", difficulty: "easy" });
          type: "my",
          difficulty: "easy",
          category: "common",
          question: "How are you ?",
          correct_answer: "C",
          incorrect_answers: ["A", "B", "D"],

few Other scenarios where you will write unit test cases

 describe("getDynamicOptions", () => {
    it("getDynamicOptions, Only checking the Length", () => {
      const arr = ["ABC", "DEF", "IJK", "XYZ"];

    it.fails("getDynamicOptions, Here it would fail", () => {
      const arr = ["ABC", "DEF", "IJK", "XYZ"];
      expect(getDynamicOptions(arr)).toEqual(["ABC", "DEF", "IJK", "XYZ"]);

Example on toContainEqual

describe("updateResponseWithIds", () => {
    it("updateResponseWithIds should have correctAnswerId", () => {
      const questions = {
        type: "abc",
        difficulty: "easy",
        category: "film",
        question: "Hey there, How are you ?",
        correct_answer: "B",
        incorrect_answers: ["A", "D", "C"],
        id: "easy_0",
        renderOption: ["A", "D", "B", "C"],
      const dataSet = {
        response: "ABC",
        responseId: "easy_0",
        updateResponseWithIds(questions, dataSet)["easy_0"]
        correctAnswerId: "RESPONSE_easy_0_2",
        correct_answer: "B",
        userAnswerId: "easy_0",
        user_answer: "ABC",

toMatchObject and toContainEqual

  • These are two different matchers in Vitest that are used for different purposes:


  • This matcher is used to check that a JavaScript object matches a subset of the properties of an object.
  • It will match received objects with properties that are not in the expected object.
test('toMatchObject example', () => {
  const received = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
  expect(received).toMatchObject({ a: 1, b: 2 });
//In this example, the test will pass because received object has at least the properties { a: 1, b: 2 }.


  • This matcher is used when you want to check that an array or iterable contains a value that equals a given value.
test('toContainEqual example', () => {
  const received = [{ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 2, b: 1 }];
  expect(received).toContainEqual({ a: 1, b: 2 });
//In this example, the test will pass because received array contains an object that equals { a: 1, b: 2 }.

In summary,

  • toMatchObject is used to check that an object has a subset of properties, while toContainEqual is used to check that an array contains a specific value.

vi.mock vs vi.fn vs vi.spyOn

vi.mock, vi.fn, and vi.spyOn are functions provided by Vitest, a modern test runner, for creating mock functions and spying on function calls.


  • This function is used to create a mock module. You can use it to mock the return value of a module for testing purposes.
import { mock } from 'vitest'

mock('./module-to-mock', {
  mockedFunction: () => 'mocked value',


  • This function is used to create a mock function. You can use it to replace a function in your code with a mock function that you can assert on.
import { fn } from 'vitest'

const mockFunction = fn(() => 'mocked value')


  • This function is used to create a spy on a function. This allows you to track calls to the function and replace its implementation for testing purposes.
import { spyOn } from 'vitest'

import * as objectToSpyOn from './random.utils.js

spyOn(objectToSpyOn, 'methodToSpyOn').mockImplementation(() => 'mocked value')

// after that we need to restore it

I hope this is clear, Feel free to reach out to me, if there would be any concerns.


  1. https://vitest.dev/api/vi.html#vi-mock

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