
🔧 systemd-manage is a graphical systemd tool

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

1. Introduction to Systemd Management

systemd-manage is a graphical systemd service management tool, developed using the Qt graphics library.
It can be providing graphic interface operation, simple and convenient service management.

github homepage: https://github.com/prownd/systemd-manage

2. Build Deploy and Install

2.1 Source code compilation and installation

Below is the source code download, compilation, installation, deployment, and usage

(1) Download the source code from GitHub
Download the source code tar package:

Or download git clone:
​git clone https://github.com/prownd/systemd-manage.git

(2) Compile and install, as it is developed using Qt, use qmake for

make install

(3) Run the program

2.2 Installing with RPM package:

2.2 Installing with RPM package
Download the rpm package for the system from github , then install and use.

github release: https://github.com/prownd/systemd-manage/releases

(1) CentOS 8 system:

(2) Fedora system:

(3) openeuler system:

2.3 Installing with deb package:

Ubuntu and Debian can be installed using the deb package

(1) Download the deb package for systemd management:

(2) Install the deb package for systemd management:
dpkg -i systemd-manage_1.2-1_amd64.deb

2.4 Use tar package to decompress and install:

(1) Download the tar package for systemd management:
(2) Extract the tar package of systemd manage and install:
Use the tar command to decompress and run install.sh

tar xvf  tar xvf systemd-manage-1.2-1-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz
cd systemd-manage-1.2-1-x86_64/

3. Instructions for using systemd management

3.1 System Service Management:

Manage system units and user units, filter unit types, etc.
service manage

Display service unit content, logs, dependencies, etc.
service detail

3.2 User session management:

Management system login sessions and users.
user session

Display session status information, such as ID, name, path, status, TTY, etc.
user session detail

3.3 Configuration file:

View and manage the configuration files of systemd, modify parameter values.
config file

display detail information for configuration files of systemd.
config file detail

3.4 Journal log:

View system logs, select time period and log level.
journal log

3.5 System performance analysis:

Display the time consumption during the system startup phase, as well as a more detailed flame diagram to view the specific startup time of each service.
analysize statistics

3.6 Process management:

Display the currently running process, filter process names, and users.
process manage

Display process detail information, eg: name, id, state, memory, etc.
process detail

3.7 Udev Device View:

Display the all udev device event.
udev device view

Display udev device detail information, eg: path, subsystem, type,node,action etc.
udev device detail

3.8 Preferred settings:

Setting system preferences, setting display language.
perference setting

3.9 Application version information:

Display information about program version, license, etc.
about application version


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