🔧 Git Secrets Unveiled: 20 Advanced Techniques for Efficient Coding
Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to
Beyond the Basics: 20 Essential Git Techniques Every Developer Should Master
Version control is an essential aspect of modern software development, allowing teams to collaborate efficiently and manage code changes systematically. Among the various tools available, Git stands out as a powerful and widely adopted version control system, enabling developers to track modifications, experiment with new features, and revert to previous states effortlessly. While many developers are familiar with basic Git commands, mastering advanced techniques can significantly enhance productivity and streamline workflows. In this article, we’ll explore 20 advanced Git techniques that every developer should know, equipping you with the skills to navigate complex version control scenarios with confidence and efficiency.
1. Add & Commit
You can streamline your workflow by using the -am flag to add and commit changes in a single command. Instead of running separate commands:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "new project"
$ git commit -am "new project"
This command stages modified files and commits them with the specified message.
2. Amend Commits
To rename your last commit message or include additional changes, use:
$ git commit --amend -m "New Message"
To add changes while retaining the original message, stage changes first:
$ git add .
$ git commit --amend --no-edit
3. Override Remote History
To push local commits and override the remote repository’s history, use the --force flag. Caution: This action rewrites the remote history:
$ git push origin master --force
4. Revert Commits
To undo a commit without removing it from the history, use the git revert command. First, view your commit history with:
$ git log --oneline
Then revert a commit using its ID:
$ git revert <commit-id>
5. Codespaces
GitHub Codespaces allows you to edit and run code directly in your browser. Access this feature by pressing the period key (".") in your preferred repository for a full VSCode interface.
6. Stash Changes
To save your current progress without committing, use the stash command:
$ git stash save "work in progress"
View your stash list:
$ git stash list
Retrieve stashed changes with:
$ git stash apply stash@{0}
7. Rename Branches
Rename your current branch to a more appropriate name:
$ git branch -M new-branch-name
8. Decorate Logs
For a clearer view of your commit history, use:
$ git log --graph --decorate --oneline
This visually represents your commit history, including branch merges.
9. Switch Back to Previous Branch
Return to the last branch you were on with:
$ git checkout -
10. Sync with Remote Repository
Synchronize your local repository with the remote and discard local changes:
$ git fetch origin
$ git reset --hard origin/master
Remove untracked files:
$ git clean -df
11. Create a New Branch and Switch
You can create and switch to a new branch in a single command:
$ git checkout -b new-branch-name
12. Cherry-Pick Commits
To apply specific commits from one branch to another without merging, use the cherry-pick command:
$ git cherry-pick <commit-id>
13. Use Interactive Rebase
Rearrange, edit, or squash commits with an interactive rebase. Start the process with:
$ git rebase -i HEAD~n
Replace n with the number of commits you want to modify. This opens an editor where you can choose your actions.
14. Track Remote Branches
To set a local branch to track a remote branch, use:
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/remote-branch local-branch
15. View Differences
To see what has changed between your working directory and the last commit:
$ git diff
To view changes staged for the next commit:
$ git diff --cached
16. Use Git Tags
To mark specific points in your project history, use tags. Create a lightweight tag with:
$ git tag tag-name
For an annotated tag, which includes metadata:
$ git tag -a tag-name -m "Tag message"
17. Compare Branches
To compare the differences between two branches, use:
$ git diff branch1..branch2
18. View Commit History with Statistics
To view a commit history with the number of changes in each commit:
$ git log --stat
19. Reflog
If you need to recover lost commits, reflog tracks changes to the tips of branches. Use it to view your command history:
$ git reflog
You can then reset to a specific state:
$ git reset --hard HEAD@{index}
20. Configure Aliases
Create custom shortcuts for your frequently used commands to save time. For example, to create an alias for checking the status:
$ git config --global alias.st status
You can now use git st to check your status.
This article highlights essential advanced Git techniques crucial for software developers and data scientists working collaboratively. Mastering these commands can significantly enhance your productivity and help you navigate version control challenges with ease.
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