
🔧 5 modern CSS features for 2024

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Here are the five modern CSS features for 2024, along with example codes for each:

  1. :has() Selector:
    • This allows you to style a parent element based on its children.

Style the parent div if it contains a .active child

div:has(.active) {
       background-color: lightgreen;
{% endraw %}

2. Container Queries:
   - These enable responsive design based on the size of a container.

Change the layout of the card based on its container size
{% raw %}

   @container (min-width: 500px) {
       .card {
           display: flex;
           flex-direction: row;

   @container (max-width: 499px) {
       .card {
           display: block;
  1. Nesting Selectors:
    • CSS now supports nesting rules for cleaner code.

Nested styles for a button within a card

   .card {
       background-color: white;
       padding: 20px;

       .button {
           background-color: blue;
           color: white;
           padding: 10px;
  1. text-wrap Property: This property helps distribute text evenly across lines.

Use text-wrap to balance text in a paragraph

   p {
       text-wrap: balance;
       width: 300px; / Set a width for the effect /
  1. :focus-visible Pseudo-Class:
    • This improves accessibility by styling elements focused via keyboard navigation.

Highlight input fields when focused via keyboard

   input:focus-visible {
       outline: 2px solid blue;
       background-color: lightyellow;

These examples illustrate how to implement each feature in your CSS, enhancing the responsiveness and accessibility of your web designs.


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