
🔧 BeautifulSoup Cheat Sheet Python

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

BeautifulSoup Cheat Sheet

Commonly Used find and select Methods in BeautifulSoup

1. find()

  • Purpose: Find the first occurrence of a tag.
  • Usage: soup.find('tag_name', {attributes}, text=optional_text)
  • Example:

    first_div = soup.find('div')
    p_with_class = soup.find('p', class_='example')
    a_tag = soup.find('a', href='/home')

2. find_all()

  • Purpose: Find all occurrences of a tag.
  • Usage: soup.find_all('tag_name', {attributes}, limit=number)
  • Example:

    all_p_tags = soup.find_all('p')
    all_links = soup.find_all('a', class_='link')
    first_five_divs = soup.find_all('div', limit=5)

3. select()

  • Purpose: Find all tags matching a CSS selector.
  • Usage: soup.select('CSS_selector')
  • Example:

    divs_with_class = soup.select('div.example')
    links_in_divs = soup.select('div a')
    element_with_id = soup.select('#specific-id')

4. find_parents() / find_parent()

  • Purpose: Find parent(s) of a tag.
  • Usage: soup.find_parent('tag_name') or soup.find_parents('tag_name')
  • Example:

    parent_div = soup.find('span').find_parent('div')
    all_parents = soup.find('span').find_parents()

5. find_next_sibling() / find_previous_sibling()

  • Purpose: Find the next or previous sibling of a tag.
  • Usage: soup.find_next_sibling('tag_name') or soup.find_previous_sibling('tag_name')
  • Example:

    next_sibling = soup.find('div').find_next_sibling()
    prev_sibling = soup.find('div').find_previous_sibling()

6. find_all_next() / find_all_previous()

  • Purpose: Find all tags after or before a specific tag.
  • Usage: soup.find_all_next('tag_name') or soup.find_all_previous('tag_name')
  • Example:

    next_p_tags = soup.find('h1').find_all_next('p')
    previous_div_tags = soup.find('h2').find_all_previous('div')

7. select_one()

  • Purpose: Find the first element matching a CSS selector.
  • Usage: soup.select_one('CSS_selector')
  • Example:

    first_div_container = soup.select_one('div.container')
    first_link_in_main = soup.select_one('#main a')

8. find_next() / find_previous()

  • Purpose: Find the next or previous element in the document.
  • Usage: soup.find_next('tag_name') or soup.find_previous('tag_name')
  • Example:

    next_p_tag = soup.find('div').find_next('p')
    previous_div = soup.find('p').find_previous('div')

9. find_all(string=True)

  • Purpose: Find all occurrences of a specific string or text.
  • Usage: soup.find_all(string="text_to_find")
  • Example:

    python_mentions = soup.find_all(string="Python")
    programming_mentions = soup.find_all(string=lambda text: "Programming" in text)

10. find_all(True) (Find all tags)

  • Purpose: Find all tags in the document.
  • Usage: soup.find_all(True)
  • Example:

    all_tags = soup.find_all(True)

Example Use Cases

  • Find all links on a page:

    links = soup.find_all('a', href=True)
    for link in links:
  • Find all headings (h1 to h6):

    headings = soup.find_all(['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'])
    for heading in headings:
  • Extract text from a specific class using CSS selector:

    text_in_class = soup.select_one('.specific-class').get_text()
  • Find all images on a page:

    images = soup.find_all('img')
    for image in images:


  • find() and find_all() are the go-to methods for finding elements based on tag names and attributes.
  • select() and select_one() are very powerful if you're comfortable with CSS selectors.
  • Navigational methods like find_next(), find_previous(), and find_parents() help when you need to traverse through sibling and parent tags.
  • find_all(string=True) is useful when searching for specific text rather than tags.

Additional Methods:

  • find_all(True) – Finds all tags in the document, useful when you want to iterate over everything.
  • get_text() – Extracts the text from a tag, stripping away HTML tags.

# Example of extracting text:
text = soup.find('p').get_text()

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