🔧 I built a Flexbox Playground with Awesome Animations
Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to
Hey everyone 👋
I'm excited to share the latest update to my open source project.
It's called Flexbox labs, and it's a visual tool that helps you create layouts using CSS Flexbox.
It includes:
• An edit tab - to customize flex container and items.
• A save tab - to save custom layouts
• A layouts tab - consisting of pre-built layouts
• A settings tab - to customize the app
• And a clone, undo, redo, reset and generate code feature.
It was built using React, TypeScript, Sass and Framer Motion.
Site link: https://flexboxlabs.netlify.app/
GitHub repo: https://github.com/prazzon/Flexbox-Labs
🔧 The Awesome Side of GitHub - Awesome Lists
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🔧 Programmierung
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🔧 Programmierung