
🔧 Tailwind Vs Chakra UI | The Ultimate React UI Library Battle

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Choosing the right UI library can significantly impact your React.JS or Next.JS project's development speed, maintainability, and overall aesthetic.

Two popular contenders often top the list:

Chakra UI and Tailwind CSS. This blog post dives deep into each library, comparing their core philosophies, features, and potential drawbacks to help you make an informed decision.

Read till the end to discover which library is the best fit for your next awesome project and quick assessment test to help you decide between Chakra UI and Tailwind CSS.

Core Philosophy

Chakra UI
Offers a component-centric approach. It provides pre-built, styled React components that adhere to accessibility best practices like aria-labels and role attributes.

This allows for rapid prototyping and consistent UI development. I repeat, consistent because thats where teams struggle with Tailwind CSS.

Chakra UI is like a LEGO set with pre-built components that you can easily snap together to create your UI.

Tailwind CSS
Employs a utility-first methodology. Instead of pre-built components, it provides a vast collection of CSS utility classes that can be combined directly in your JSX to style individual elements. This gives you granular control over every aspect of your design.

Imagine it as a bag of LEGO bricks – highly flexible but requiring more assembly. If more assembly not your thing then Chakra UI is your best bet.

Installation & Setup

Chakra UI

npm install @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react@^11 @emotion/styled@^11 framer-motion@^4
// In your app's entry point:
import { ChakraProvider, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'

function App() {
  return (
      <Text>Hello From Chakra Land!</Text>

Tailwind CSS

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p

Include Tailwind directives in your CSS file (e.g., src/index.css):

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
// import the CSS file into your main app file:
import './index.css'

Pre Made Components:

Chakra UI

Chakra UI: Boasts a rich set of pre-built components, including but no limited to:

These components are readily customizable through inbuild props and theme-based styling.

import { Button, ButtonProps } from '@chakra-ui/react'
const AwesomeComponent = (props: ButtonProps) => {
  return (
    <Button colorScheme="teal" size="lg" {...props}>
      Press me, Senpai!

There are some pre made UI Kit which makes working lot more faster as you get pre made component such as Chakra UI Pro, Chakra Framer, etc.

Chakra Framer is totally free premium and fancy component kit made by us at The Zen Labs

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS Doesn't provide pre-built components. You style existing HTML elements using utility classes.

But there are third-party libraries like Headless UI, Aceternity UI, and Tailwind UI that offer great pre-built components.

<button className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">
  Press me, Senpai!

Styling Capabilities 🎷

Both libraries offer powerful styling options. Chakra UI uses theme-based styling and allows for component variants, while Tailwind provides extensive utility classes for fine-grained control.

My take: Chakra UI because it offers a more structured approach to styling, making it easier to maintain and scale your project.

Performance 🚀

Both libraries are optimized for performance. Tailwind's utility-first along with PostCSS approach can lead to smaller bundle sizes if used carefully. Chakra UI's component approach might lead to slightly larger bundles but can be optimized through code splitting.

My take: Both libraries are performant, but Tailwind CSS might have a slight edge due to its utility-first approach this could be easily seen in lighthouse performance and contentful paint scores.

Accessibility Features 🌐

Chakra UI: Prioritizes accessibility. Its components are built with WAI-ARIA guidelines in mind, ensuring better usability for everyone.

Tailwind CSS: Doesn't inherently enforce accessibility. However, it provides utility classes for ARIA attributes, requiring developers to implement them correctly.

My take: Chakra UI wins in this category due to its baked-in accessibility features. This is a big win for teams that prioritize accessibility compliance.

Customization Options 🎨

Both offer extensive customization options.

Chakra UI is more flexible in terms of theming and component customization.

Tailwind CSS is more modular and requires more manual configuration.

My take: If you are solo dev or small team on a project and want high customization go with Tailwind CSS else Chakra UI is your best bet.

Learning Curve 📈

Chakra UI: Easier to learn due to its component-centric approach. It's more intuitive for developers familiar with React.

Tailwind CSS: Steeper learning curve. Developers need to learn the utility classes and how to combine them effectively to style components. then there is the whole @apply thing + how to configure the setup based on different requirements and frameworks.

My Take: Chakra UI is easier to learn and more beginner-friendly. Tailwind CSS requires a deeper understanding of CSS and utility classes. But, once you get the hang of it, it can be a powerful tool.

Community Support 🤝

Both libraries have active and supportive communities.

Pros and Cons 🤔

Feature Chakra UI Tailwind CSS
Core Philosophy Component-centric Utility-first
Learning Curve Easier Steeper
Speed Faster prototyping More flexible but potentially slower
Accessibility Baked-in Requires developer implementation
Customization Theme & Component overrides Configurable utility classes

Quick Assessment Test 📝

1) Do you prefer a component-centric approach (LEGO set) or a utility-first methodology (bag of LEGO bricks)?

  • Yes: Chakra UI
  • No: Tailwind CSS

2) Do you prioritize/want rapid prototyping and consistent UI development?

  • Yes: Chakra UI
  • No: Tailwind CSS

3) Do you want a library that enforces accessibility best practices out-of-the-box?

  • Yes: Chakra UI
  • No: Tailwind CSS

4) Is your team more experienced with CSS and utility classes?

  • Yes: Tailwind CSS
  • No: Chakra UI

5) Do you have a small team or are you a solo developer who wants maximum flexibility?

  • Yes: Tailwind CSS
  • No: Chakra UI

6) Is design consistency across components a top priority for your project?

  • Yes: Chakra UI
  • No: Tailwind CSS

7) Do you need a library with minimal bundle size and better SEO performance (little difference but counts)?

  • Yes: Tailwind CSS
  • No: Chakra UI


The choice between Chakra UI and Tailwind depends on your project's specific needs and your team's preferences.

If you prioritize rapid development and accessibility out-of-the-box, Chakra UI is a strong choice.

If you prefer granular control and a highly customizable styling solution, Tailwind CSS might be a better fit. Consider your project's requirements, your team's familiarity with each approach, and the overall aesthetic you aim to achieve.

Do check out Chakra Framer for free and awesome pre-build chakra UI components for Faqs, Cards, Heros and more

Get In Touch

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