
🔧 The opening of my Restaurant (page)

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Things I've worked on/completed since my last post…

- I finished the Restaurant project!



- Started the To-do project

Things that went well...

Apart from getting confused with webpack, I actually enjoyed the Restaurant page project. I enjoyed seeing the ‘mechanics’ of how each module related to a tab and how to make that work practically when loading up each page.

Although I am still not fully confident with Webpack, having to at least try to use it in the project forced me to understand it a bit better. in contrast, when I first started reading about it, it seemed very overwhelming.

So far, I have barely gotten past designing the UI for the To-do project. This was not a strict requirement, but I think it would have been creating huge problems for myself not at least having a basic structure in mind - it helped to solidify in my mind which elements I am going to need in the project. I used Figma, which was pretty easy albeit I am sure there are a lot of tricks I could have learnt to make it easier. I am content to just use what I need at this point, to enable me to move forward. The UI is ‘good enough’ for now. I enjoy the design aspect, but tried not to get too bogged down with it which would leave to it distracting me too much from actually getting the project working.

I enjoyed the section on OOP Principles. I am fully aware that this will probably go out of my head as I start to code, but I plan to make an effort to keep all these principles in mind as much as I can. They make more sense now than they did when I was going the Tic-tac-toe project - at that time, these ideas seemed a bit overwhelming.

Things that didn't go quite so well...

When reading through the section on JSON, I did go through the MDN section, but retained very little - I still struggle with moving on when I encounter this feeling, but I moved on anyway. From experience, I know that I would benefit more from reading it again after having encountered it practically.

I need to figure out how to integrate draw.io wit Github. I am procrastinating on this, because it would just be another distraction from doing the actual project., albeit, I know I would benefit from knowing how to do this. I may take a look at this once I make some progress on the to-do project.

Things I've learnt/need to improve on...

I learnt how to created ‘tabbed pages’ and the implications of those (more specifically, that when a new tab/module is loaded up, the contents of the previously loaded up one needs to be ‘cleared out’ to avoid just adding the new page contents to what was previously displayed). This may sound obvious, but only became obvious to me as I saw it happening on the page.

It was very useful to see a practical application for adding/removing CSS classes, and how this could be done in conjunction with various pages created with JS (I used this when switching from one tab to the next in the Restaurant page project).

I’ve learnt to not be so afraid to Webpack. Is it stil la bit intimidating? Yes. Would I be as afraid to use it again? No. this must mean some progress at least and I am happy about that.

Plan for the forthcoming week...

To continue with the To-do project.


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