🔧 Helmister: Updated the logic to allow custom path
Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to
Its a follow-up post on helmister
, refer here for more details: https://dev.to/aws-builders/installing-multiple-helm-charts-in-one-go-approach-3-using-simple-bash-utility-2795
Updated the logic allowing users to specify a custom path for config.yaml.
Log entry: [2024-11-27 12:30:06] [INFO] Generic/common values based on /home/sunny/config.yaml file.
-f | --file
Helps you to mention explicit/specific config.yaml. If not provided it will consider the default one which is placed in the base folder.Example: ./helmister install -f /opt/app/config-dev.yaml
Installing multiple helm charts in one go [Approach 3 - using simple bash utility]
Sunny Bhambhani for AWS Community Builders ・ Jul 23
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