
🔧 Online/Offline User Detection

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Added Online/Offline User Detection to chat application to engage users and show real time status. This feature uses Socket. io and Redis to monitor and share user activity among all connected clients.

During connection / disconnection, the user's status is updated to the PostgreSQL database using Prisma ORM and then broadcasted to chat groups. In addition, I added a Redis cache to limit the database fetching, managing this real-time user status.

On the frontend, we added visual indicators (e.g., green dots for online users) to chat group and user lists. Through these updates, users are well a where that who all are active in chat groups currently, bringing interactive, fun and engaging feel to using chat feature. It also allows for future rollout of additional real-time features like typing indicators and user action logs.


🔧 Online/Offline User Detection

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