
🔧 Video Sharing

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

I also implemented Video Sharing capability in the chat application so that users can also send video files (MP4) in their message to enhance the user experience. Much like image sharing, the video upload process is also managed through Supabase Storage, and users can upload video files from the frontend directly.

After the upload, the URL is sent to the backend and saved to the PostgreSQL database with the message using Prisma ORM. The video is embedded in the chat UI on the frontend, which lets users click and play the video within the chat window directly.

It was built in a way that is scalable, so video uploads do not interfere with the performance of the real-time messaging system. By supporting both images and videos, it allows for a more rich communication that adds a different dimension to the chat experience by enabling users to share multimedia content with each other.


🕵️ Medium CVE-2017-17627: Readymade video sharing script project Readymade video sharing script

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🔧 Programmierung

🔧 Stop sharing your screen, start sharing your website

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🔧 Programmierung

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📰 IT Security Nachrichten

🕵️ Video Sharing Script 4.94 watch-video.php v sql injection

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🕵️ Readymade Video Sharing Script 3.2 single-video-detail.php comment cross site scripting

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🕵️ Readymade Video Sharing Script 3.2 single-video-detail.php report_videos sql injection

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🕵️ Readymade Video Sharing Script 3.2 single-video-detail.php comment Cross Site Scripting

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🕵️ Readymade Video Sharing Script 3.2 single-video-detail.php report_videos SQL Injection

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🕵️ Video Sharing Script 4.94 watch-video.php v SQL Injection

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⚠️ [webapps] Readymade Video Sharing Script 3.2 - SQL Injection

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