🔧 Image Sharing (UI Improvements and Bug Fixes)
Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to
So, I added the Image Sharing feature and thought some aspects of the UI were lagging and there were some CSS issues. Images weren’t scaling correctly on different screen sizes from time to time they would overlap with text or other elements. To fix this, I re-refined the CSS styling to ensure that the images retained aspect ratio and showed up well on the browser. I implemented a lightbox overlay effect to allow users to see larger images without breaking the conversation.
I also sharpened state management on the frontend, better utilizing React's useState and useEffect hooks to allow us to handle image uploads and rendering. This ensured that images were displayed only after being successfully uploaded along with progress indicators for a better experience. This change was developed in parallel with significant improvements in UI consistency and performance of sharing on the specific image.