
🔧 Daily JavaScript Challenge #JS-53: Reverse Words in a Sentence

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Daily JavaScript Challenge: Reverse Words in a Sentence

Hey fellow developers! 👋 Welcome to today's JavaScript coding challenge. Let's keep those programming skills sharp!

The Challenge

Difficulty: Medium

Topic: String Manipulation


Given a sentence string, write a function to reverse the order of the words. Words are separated by spaces. The output should be a new string with the words in reversed order, but the original word order maintained.

Ready to Begin?


  1. Fork this challenge
  2. Write your solution
  3. Test it against the provided test cases
  4. Share your approach in the comments below!

Want to Learn More?

Check out the documentation about this topic here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/split

Join the Discussion!

  • How did you approach this problem?
  • Did you find any interesting edge cases?
  • What was your biggest learning from this challenge?

Let's learn together! Drop your thoughts and questions in the comments below. 👇

This is part of our Daily JavaScript Challenge series. Follow me for daily programming challenges and let's grow together! 🚀

javascript #programming #coding #dailycodingchallenge #webdev


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