
🔧 QuickUI: Lightweight Frontend Framework

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to


(Formerly known as PDQuickUI, renamed to QuickUI starting from version 0.6.0)

QuickUI is a front-end rendering framework derived from PDRenderKit, focusing on enhancing front-end framework features.

By integrating a virtual DOM, it rewrites the rendering logic to improve rendering efficiency, enabling faster data observation and automatic updates.

This project removes the prototype extensions from PDRenderKit to ensure compatibility and performance, making it suitable for complex applications.

It provides both module and non-module versions and changes the license from GPL-3.0 in PDRenderKit to MIT.


  • Clear Architecture: Separates UI from data logic, making it easier to maintain.
  • Code Simplicity: Reduces redundant code and enhances readability.
  • Automatic Rendering: Monitors data changes and updates automatically, minimizing manual operations.
  • Lightweight: Maintains full functionality within a file size of less than 20kb.


  • Install from npm

    npm i @pardnchiu/quickui
  • Include from CDN

    • Directly include QuickUI

      <!-- Version 0.6.0 and above -->
      <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@pardnchiu/quickui@[VERSION]/dist/QuickUI.js"></script>
      <!-- Version 0.5.4 and below -->
      <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pdquickui@[VERSION]/dist/PDQuickUI.js"></script>
    • Module Version

      // Version 0.6.0 and above
      import { QUI } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@pardnchiu/quickui@[VERSION]/dist/QuickUI.esm.js";
      // Version 0.5.4 and below
      import { QUI } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pdquickui@[VERSION]/dist/PDQuickUI.module.js";


  • Initialize QUI

    const app = new QUI({
        id: "", // Specify rendering element
        data: {
            // Custom DATA
        event: {
            // Custom EVENT
        when: {
            before_render: function () {
                // Stop rendering
            rendered: function () {
                // Rendered
            before_update: function () {
                // Stop updating
            updated: function () {
                // Updated
            before_destroy: function () {
                // Stop destruction
            destroyed: function () {
                // Destroyed


Automatic Rendering: Automatically reloads when data changes are detected.

Attributes Overview

Attribute Description
{{value}} Inserts text into HTML tags and automatically updates with data changes.
:path Used with the temp tag to load HTML fragments from external files into the current page.
:html Replaces the element's innerHTML with text.
:for Supports formats like item in items, (item, index) in items, (key, value) in object. Iterates over data collections to generate corresponding HTML elements.
Displays or hides elements based on specified conditions, enabling branching logic.
:model Binds data to form elements (e.g., input), updating data automatically when input changes.
:hide Hides elements based on specific conditions.
:animation Specifies transition effects for elements, such as fade-in or expand, to enhance user experience.
:mask Controls block loading animations, supporting `true\
:[attr] Sets element attributes, such as ID, class, image source, etc.
Examples: :id/:class/:src/:alt/:href...
:[css] Sets element CSS, such as margin, padding, etc. Examples: :background-color, :opacity, :margin, :top, :position...
@[event] Adds event listeners that trigger specified actions upon activation.
Examples: @click/@input/@mousedown...

Text Replacement


  • index.html

    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                title: "test"
  • Result



  • index.html

        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                html: "&lt;b&gt;innerHtml&lt;/b&gt;"
  • Result


Insert Block

> [!NOTE]
> Ensure to disable local file restrictions in your browser or use a live server when testing.


  • test.html

    <h1>path heading</h1>
    <p>path content</p>
  • index.html

        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app"
  • Result

        <h1>path heading</h1>
        <p>path content</p>

Loop Rendering


  • index.html

            <li>{{ item }} {{ CALC(index + 1) }}</li>
        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                ary: ["test1", "test2", "test3"]
  • Result

        <li id="test1">test1 1</li>
        <li id="test2">test2 2</li>
        <li id="test3">test3 3</li>

Nest loop

  • index.html

            {{ key }}: {{ val.name }}
                    {{ item.name }}
                            {{ CALC(index1 + 1) }}. {{ item1.name }} - ${{ item1.price }}
        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                obj: {
                    food: {
                        name: "Food",
                        ary: [
                                name: 'Snacks',
                                ary1: [
                                    { name: 'Potato Chips', price: 10 },
                                    { name: 'Chocolate', price: 8 }
                                name: 'Beverages',
                                ary1: [
                                    { name: 'Juice', price: 5 },
                                    { name: 'Tea', price: 3 }
                    home: {
                        name: 'Home',
                        ary: [
                                name: 'Furniture',
                                ary1: [
                                    { name: 'Sofa', price: 300 },
                                    { name: 'Table', price: 150 }
                                name: 'Decorations',
                                ary1: [
                                    { name: 'Picture Frame', price: 20 },
                                    { name: 'Vase', price: 15 }
  • Result

        <li>food: Food
                        <li>1. Potato Chips - $10</li>
                        <li>2. Chocolate - $8</li>
                        <li>1. Juice - $5</li>
                        <li>2. Tea - $3</li>
        <li>home: Home
                        <li>1. Sofa - $300</li>
                        <li>2. Table - $150</li>
                        <li>1. Picture Frame - $20</li>
                        <li>2. Vase - $15</li>

Conditional Rendering

  • index.html

        <h1>{{ title }} {{ heading }}</h1>
        <h2>{{ title }} {{ heading }}</h2>
        <h3>{{ title }} {{ heading }}</h3>
        <h4>{{ title }} {{ heading }}</h4>
        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                heading: [Number|null],
                isH2: [Boolean|null],
                title: "test"
  • Result: heading = 1

        <h1>test 1</h1>
  • Result: heading = null &amp;&amp; isH2 = true

        <h2>test </h2>
  • Result: heading = 3 &amp;&amp; isH2 = null

        <h3>test 3</h3>
  • Result: heading = null &amp;&amp; isH2 = null

        <h4>test </h4>

Template Rendering

  • index.html

        const test = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                hint: "hint 123",
                title: "test 123"
            render: () =&gt; {
                return `
                    "{{ hint }}",
                    h1 {
                        style: "background: red;", 
                        children: [ 
                            "{{ title }}"
  • result

        hint 123
        <h1>test 123</h1>



    const app = new QUI({
        id: "app",
        data: {
            password: null,
        event: {
            show: function(e){
                alert("Password:", app.data.password);



    const app = new QUI({
        id: "app",
        event: {
            test: function(e){
                alert(e.target.innerText + " clicked");


> [!NOTE]
> Supports simple settings using :[CSS property], directly binding data to style attributes.

  • index.html

        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                width: "100px",
                color: "red"
  • Result:




  • index.html

        <p>Total: {{ LENGTH(array) }}</p>
        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                array: [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • result

        <p>Total: 4</p>


  • index.html

        <p>calc: {{ CALC(num * 10) }}</p>
        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                num: 1
  • result

        <p>calc: 10</p>


  • index.html

        <p>{{ UPPER(test1) }} {{ LOWER(test2) }}</p>
        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                test1: "upper",
                test2: "LOWER"
  • result

        <p>UPPER lower</p>

DATE(num, format)

  • index.html

        <p>{{ DATE(now, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) }}</p>
        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                now: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
  • result

        <p>2024-08-17 03:40:47</p>



  • index.html

        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                image: "test.jpg"
            option: {
                lazyload: true // Enable image lazy loading: true|false (default: true)
  • result

        <img src="test.jpg">

SVG replacement

  • test.svg

  • index.html

        const app = new QUI({
            id: "app",
            data: {
                svg: "test.svg",
            option: {
                svg: true  // Enable SVG file transformation: true|false (default: true)
  • result



> [!NOTE]
> If the format is an object, the multilingual content is directly configured.
> If the format is a string, the language file is dynamically loaded via fetch.

  • en.json

        "greeting": "Hello",
        "username": "Username"
  • index.html

        <h1>{{ i18n.greeting }}, {{ i18n.username }}: {{ username }}</h1>
        Switch to English
    const app = new QUI({
        id: "app",
        data: {
            username: "Pardn"
        i18n: {
            zh: {
                greeting: "你好",
                username: "用戶名"
            en: "en.json",
        i18nLang: "zh | en", // Select the displayed language
        event: {
            change: e =&gt; {
                const _this = e.target;
                const lang = _this.dataset.lang;
  • result i18nLang = zh

        <h1>你好, 用戶名: Pardn</h1>
        Switch to English
  • result i18nLang = en

        <h1>Hello, Username: Pardn</h1>
        Switch to English

Lifecycle Hooks

    const app = new QUI({
        id: "app",
        when: {
            before_render: function () {
                // Stop rendering
                // retuen false 
            rendered: function () {
                // Rendered
            before_update: function () {
                // Stop updating
                // retuen false 
            updated: function () {
                // Updated
            before_destroy: function () {
                // Stop destruction
                // retuen false 
            destroyed: function () {
                // Destroyed

Data Retrieval


    const app = new QUI({
        id: "app",
        data: {
            // Value bound to the input
            test: 123
        event: {
            get: _ =&gt; {
                // Show an alert with the value of test on button click
            set: _ =&gt; {
                let dom = document.createElement("button");
                // Assign the button click event to the get function
                dom.onclick = app.event.get;


邱敬幃 Pardn Chiu


This project is licensed under a Proprietary License.

You may use, install, and run this software only under the terms specified in the End-User License Agreement (EULA).

©️ 2024 邱敬幃 Pardn Chiu


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