
🔧 What is HTTP 401 Error and How to Fix it

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

What is HTTP 401 Error and How to Fix it

Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by a "401 error" while trying to access a website, application, or API? This seemingly cryptic message, often accompanied by the term “401 Unauthorized” or “HTTP 401 error”. It’s a common yet frustrating issue that signals a problem with your credentials or authorization.

In this guide, we’ll break down the HTTP status 401 in simple terms, explore its root causes, make a small Flask server to simulate it and explore some tips on how to avoid it by correctly authenticating your requests.

What is HTTP 401 Error?

The HTTP 401 Unauthorized error is a status code 401 returned by the server when authentication fails. It means the server has received your request, but it refuses to authorize it.

What Does a 401 Error Response Look Like?

Here is an example of a typical 401 HTTP code response:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: text/html
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Access to the site"
  • HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized: The status code indicating failed authentication.
  • WWW-Authenticate: This header specifies the type of authentication required (e.g., “Basic” authentication).

Other Names for 401 Unauthorized

The HTTP 401 error can appear in slightly different forms depending on the system or tool you are using. Here are some alternative names for this error:

  • 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP 401 error
  • Error code 401
  • HTTP status code 401
  • 401 status code

Regardless of how it is displayed, all these terms point to the same issue: the server needs valid credentials to fulfill your request.

HTTP 401 Server Example

Here’s a basic implementation in Flask to show how an HTTP server checks for authentication and returns a 401 error:

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

def secure_endpoint():
    auth = request.headers.get('Authorization')
    if not auth or auth != "Bearer ValidToken":
        return jsonify({"error": "Unauthorized"}), 401
    return jsonify({"message": "Welcome to the secure endpoint!"})

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Authentication Check:
*   The server retrieves the `Authorization` header from the incoming request.
*   If the header is missing or doesn’t match the expected value (e.g., `Bearer ValidToken`), the server returns a **401 status code**.
  1. Unauthorized Response:
*   The response body contains an error message like this:
    { "error": "Unauthorized" }
*   The **401 HTTP code** indicates that the server recognizes the request but refuses to authorize it due to invalid credentials.
  1. Valid Access:
*   If the `Authorization` header contains the correct credentials (`Bearer ValidToken`), the server returns a success message:
{ "message": "Welcome to the secure endpoint!" }

Using this small Flask web application you can easily test how your clients handle the 401 error code.

Common HTTP Authentication Methods

Different systems use various authentication mechanisms to protect resources and validate users or clients. However, errors in implementation, expired credentials, or incorrect requests can lead to an HTTP 401 error.

Below is a detailed overview of the most common authentication methods, pitfalls that can trigger a 401 Unauthorized error, and practical debugging tips.

1. Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication uses the Authorization header, where the username:password combination is base64-encoded. It’s a simple yet widely used method for HTTP requests.


Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

How to Check:

  • Inspect the Authorization header in the request.
  • Review the response headers for hints such as WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Your Realm".


  • Ensure the credentials are correctly base64-encoded.
  • Your client might have different base64 encoding methods — use the standard base64 encode not the URL-safe base64 encoding.

2. Token-Based Authentication

Token-based authentication requires a secure token (e.g., JWT, OAuth tokens) to be sent in the request headers. Typically, the format looks like:

Authorization: Bearer <Token>

How to Check:

  • Log or print the token being sent.
  • Review the server response headers for clues such as WWW-Authenticate: Bearer.


  • Verify the token is not expired or revoked in the web dashboard where it was generated.
  • Ensure the token is correctly formatted and sent in the Authorization header.

3. API Key Authentication

An API key is provided either in the headers, query parameters, or body to authenticate a client. Example:

Authorization: Api-Key YOUR_API_KEY

How to Check:

  • Review the outgoing request headers and query parameters.
  • Log the API key and compare it to the one expected by the server.


  • Verify that the API key is still valid by checking the API provider’s dashboard. Often API keys are rotated or revoked.
  • Ensure the API key is correctly placed in the request headers or query parameters.

4. Session-Based Authentication

Session-based authentication uses cookies to track user sessions after login. The client stores a session ID and sends it with each request to maintain access.

How to Check:

  • Use browser tools (like DevTools) to verify cookies are sent in requests.
  • Look at server logs to confirm if the session ID is expired or invalid.


  • Check the session timeout settings on server or dashboard if available.
  • Often timeout is very low for security reasons and not reported anywhere so it's best to start a fresh session for each action.

5. Digest Authentication

Digest Authentication is a more secure alternative to Basic Auth. It uses hashing algorithms to send credentials securely. The Authorization header includes hashed credentials.

Example Header:

Authorization: Digest username="user", realm="example", nonce="random", uri="/path", response="hashed_value"

How to Check:

  • Inspect the Authorization header for accuracy.
  • Review the server response for a 401 status with a WWW-Authenticate: Digest challenge.


  • Review how the hash is computed and ensure it matches the server’s expectations.

6. JWT Authentication

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are commonly used for secure API authentication. They are sent in the Authorization header with the format:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

How to Check:

  • Decode the token and inspect its payload.
  • Verify the expiration (exp) and issued-at (iat) times.
  • Confirm the token matches the expected format (Header.Payload.Signature).


  • Use a JWT debugger to decode and verify the token. Never expose the token to untrusted parties like web JWT debuggers.
  • Check the token’s expiration and issued-at times to ensure it’s still valid.

Summary Table of Authentication Methods

Authentication Method

Common Pitfalls

Debugging Tips

Basic Authentication

Missing/invalid credentials

Verify header format and base64 encode.

Token-Based Auth

Expired or malformed token

Check token validity and format.

API Key Authentication

Missing or invalid API key

Validate API key placement and value.

Session-Based Auth

Expired session or missing cookies

Verify cookies and session timeout.

Digest Authentication

Invalid hash or outdated nonce

Recompute hash and check WWW-Authenticate.

JWT Authentication

Expired or malformed JWT

Decode JWT and verify claims.

By understanding these common authentication methods, their pitfalls, and debugging strategies, you can quickly identify why a 401 Unauthorized error occurs and resolve it effectively.

401 vs 403: What’s the Difference?

The 401 Unauthorized and 403 Forbidden errors are both HTTP status codes that indicate access issues, but they have distinct meanings and causes.

What is a 401 Error?

The request lacks valid authentication credentials. The server cannot verify who you are because the credentials are missing, invalid, or expired.

Example Response for a 401 Error:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="Access to the resource"
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "Invalid credentials provided."

When You See This Error:

You need to provide valid credentials, fix formatting issues in the Authorization header, or ensure the token is still valid. The server expects authentication, but you haven’t provided it correctly.

What is a 403 Error?

The server recognizes who you are (authentication is successful), but you do not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource.

Example Response for a 403 Error:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/json
  "error": "Forbidden",
  "message": "You do not have permission to access this resource."

When You See This Error:

You are authenticated, but the server has denied access to the resource based on permissions or rules. This often requires an adjustment of user roles or permissions.

Key Differences Between 401 and 403


401 Unauthorized

403 Forbidden


Authentication failed or credentials missing.

Authentication successful, but access denied.

When It Happens

The server cannot identify the user.

The server recognizes the user but restricts access.

Common Causes

Missing or invalid credentials, expired tokens or sessions, missing Authorization header.

Insufficient permissions, resource-specific restrictions, IP or location blocking, rule-based access denial.

How to Resolve

Provide valid credentials, refresh expired tokens or sessions, ensure the Authorization header is correct.

Verify and update user permissions, adjust access control rules, contact the administrator for access.

Understanding the difference between these two errors can help you diagnose and resolve access problems more effectively.

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To wrap up this guide, here are answers to some frequently asked questions about 401 Error Meaning.

Can IP restrictions cause a 401 error?

Typically, IP restrictions result in a 403 Forbidden error. A 401 error specifically relates to failed or missing authentication, not IP-based access denial.

What is the difference between 401 Unauthorized and 403 Forbidden?

401 Unauthorized: Authentication has failed, or no credentials were provided (server does not know who you are).

403 Forbidden: Authentication succeeded, but you lack permission to access the resource (server knows who you are but blocks access).

How to fix "Request failed with status code 401"?

1. Verify your credentials (username, password, token, API key).

2. Check the server logs or API response for more details.

3. Ensure your token or session has not expired.


We explored the HTTP 401 error meaning, common causes, and solutions. The 401 status code signals authentication failure, which can arise due to various authentication methods such as Basic Auth, JWT, API keys, or sessions.

Understanding how HTTP 401 unauthorized errors occur and knowing how to debug them can save valuable time when troubleshooting access issues. Always check headers, tokens, and server responses for the best debugging results.

By mastering HTTP status code 401, you’ll be better equipped to resolve these errors in the future.


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