
🔧 Complete, full-stack setup for any node/express/psql app, equipped with basic ui, routes & more.

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

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My 2nd public project! a full-stack js/node/express/postgres template (or foundation?). Syncs interface with your db, lets users sign up, sign in, and open a JWT token-protected page. Includes CRUD for user management.


  1. Sign Up: Form for name, email, and password (with validation).
  2. Sign In: Login with email and password, get a JWT.
  3. Dashboard: Protected, validates JWT.


  1. Built with Express.js.
  2. Handles routes, auth, and APIs.
  3. Hashes passwords with bcrypt.
  4. JWT for sessions.


  1. PostgreSQL for user data.
  2. CRUD for create, read, update, delete users.
  3. Simple, functional starting point for auth-based apps.

My Schema:
Image description

Guide to setting up node/express-postgres enviornment: https://blog.logrocket.com/crud-rest-api-node-js-express-postgresql/

Disclaimer: I'm brand new to dev & I am building projects, 1 at a time, to help myself. I would appreciate any & all feedback.


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