
🔧 Day 38 Journal

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Hi, Folks! Today, I solved three problems on LeetCode: Letter Combination of a Phone Number, Container with Most Water, and Rotate Array. Solving different problems every day helps us to think about problems from different angles. There are various ways to solve a problem. If you find one way to solve it, don't stop there try to optimize the solution further. This will help you find the most efficient way to solve the given problem.

Letter Combination of a Phone Number: We can use the concept of backtracking with one base condition to solve this problem. We have to find all possible combinations of characters linked to specific digits in the given input. The base condition will help us stop the function's execution when necessary. This approach allows us to solve the problem effectively.

Container with Most Water: In this problem we need to find the maximum area that can be formed. We can traverse array using two pointers one which starts from the beginning and other from the end and thus we will efficiently able to find the solution for that.

Rotate Array: The problem here is to rotate the array by a given number of positions. We can do this by slicing the array according to the given position and creating a new array by appending the slices in the correct order. This approach solves the problem effectively.

I hope my experience will be helpful to you.


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