🔧 Python Program for a Turing Machine Simulator python Copy code
Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to
class TuringMachine:
def init(self, tape, transitions, initial_state, accept_state, reject_state):
self.tape = list(tape) # The tape is a list of characters
self.head = 0 # Head position starts at the beginning
self.state = initial_state
self.transitions = transitions
self.accept_state = accept_state
self.reject_state = reject_state
def step(self):
"""Perform one step of the Turing machine."""
symbol = self.tape[self.head] if self.head < len(self.tape) else ' ' # Read the current symbol (blank if out of bounds)
if (self.state, symbol) in self.transitions:
new_state, write_symbol, move = self.transitions[(self.state, symbol)]
# Write the new symbol on the tape
if self.head < len(self.tape):
self.tape[self.head] = write_symbol
# Move the head
if move == 'R':
self.head += 1
elif move == 'L':
self.head -= 1
if self.head < 0:
self.tape.insert(0, ' ') # Extend tape on the left
# Update the state
self.state = new_state
# Transition not defined for current state and symbol
self.state = self.reject_state
def run(self):
"""Run the Turing machine until it reaches an accept or reject state."""
while self.state != self.accept_state and self.state != self.reject_state:
return self.state == self.accept_state
def display_tape(self):
"""Display the tape and head position."""
tape_view = ''.join(self.tape).rstrip() # Remove trailing blanks
print("Tape:", tape_view)
print("Head:", ' ' * self.head + '^')
Define the Turing machine configuration
tape = list("1011") # Initial tape
transitions = {
# (current_state, current_symbol): (new_state, write_symbol, move_direction)
('q0', '1'): ('q0', '1', 'R'),
('q0', '0'): ('q0', '0', 'R'),
('q0', ' '): ('q_accept', ' ', 'N'), # N: No move
initial_state = 'q0'
accept_state = 'q_accept'
reject_state = 'q_reject'
Create and run the Turing machine
tm = TuringMachine(tape, transitions, initial_state, accept_state, reject_state)
if tm.run():
print("Turing machine accepted the input.")
print("Turing machine rejected the input.")
draft article below
Simulating a Turing Machine in Python
A Turing machine is a fundamental concept in computer science, representing a theoretical model of computation that defines what it means for a system to be "computable." While it's an abstract idea, we can simulate a Turing machine using Python, showcasing the language's Turing completeness.
In this article, we’ll explore the basics of a Turing machine, implement a Python simulator, and test it with various examples.
What is a Turing Machine?
A Turing machine consists of:
Tape: An infinitely long sequence of cells that can hold symbols. The tape serves as both input and memory.
Head: A pointer that can read and write symbols on the tape and move left or right.
States: The machine can be in one of many states, including an initial state, accept state, and reject state.
Transition Rules: A set of instructions dictating what the machine does based on its current state and the symbol under the head.
Why Simulate a Turing Machine in Python?
Python, being a Turing-complete language, can simulate any computational process. By implementing a Turing machine in Python:
You can better understand how computation works at a fundamental level.
It serves as a practical example of Python’s computational power.
Python Implementation of a Turing Machine
Below is the Python code for a Turing machine simulator:
Copy code
class TuringMachine:
def init(self, tape, transitions, initial_state, accept_state, reject_state):
self.tape = list(tape) # The tape is a list of characters
self.head = 0 # Head position starts at the beginning
self.state = initial_state
self.transitions = transitions
self.accept_state = accept_state
self.reject_state = reject_state
def step(self):
"""Perform one step of the Turing machine."""
symbol = self.tape[self.head] if self.head < len(self.tape) else ' ' # Read the current symbol (blank if out of bounds)
if (self.state, symbol) in self.transitions:
new_state, write_symbol, move = self.transitions[(self.state, symbol)]
# Write the new symbol on the tape
if self.head < len(self.tape):
self.tape[self.head] = write_symbol
# Move the head
if move == 'R':
self.head += 1
elif move == 'L':
self.head -= 1
if self.head < 0:
self.tape.insert(0, ' ') # Extend tape on the left
# Update the state
self.state = new_state
# Transition not defined for current state and symbol
self.state = self.reject_state
def run(self):
"""Run the Turing machine until it reaches an accept or reject state."""
while self.state != self.accept_state and self.state != self.reject_state:
return self.state == self.accept_state
def display_tape(self):
"""Display the tape and head position."""
tape_view = ''.join(self.tape).rstrip() # Remove trailing blanks
print("Tape:", tape_view)
print("Head:", ' ' * self.head + '^')
Example: Testing the Turing Machine
Let’s configure the Turing machine to read a binary string and accept it if it reaches the end without errors.
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Define the Turing machine configuration
tape = list("1011") # Initial tape
transitions = {
# (current_state, current_symbol): (new_state, write_symbol, move_direction)
('q0', '1'): ('q0', '1', 'R'),
('q0', '0'): ('q0', '0', 'R'),
('q0', ' '): ('q_accept', ' ', 'N'), # N: No move
initial_state = 'q0'
accept_state = 'q_accept'
reject_state = 'q_reject'
Create and run the Turing machine
tm = TuringMachine(tape, transitions, initial_state, accept_state, reject_state)
if tm.run():
print("Turing machine accepted the input.")
print("Turing machine rejected the input.")
Expected Output
For the input 1011, the output will be:
Copy code
Tape: 1011
Head: ^
Turing machine accepted the input.
Tape: 1011
Head: ^
How It Works
The machine starts at the first position and reads the tape.
It moves right until it encounters a blank space (' ').
It transitions to the accept state (q_accept) and halts.
Extending the Example
You can extend this example to handle more complex operations. For example:
Replace Symbols on the Tape
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transitions = {
('q0', '1'): ('q1', 'X', 'R'), # Replace 1 with X
('q1', '0'): ('q0', 'Y', 'R'), # Replace 0 with Y
('q1', ' '): ('q_accept', ' ', 'N'),
For tape = list("1011"), this will produce:
Copy code
Tape: XYX1
Head: ^
Turing machine accepted the input.
Add a Reject State
To handle invalid input, define a reject_state:
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transitions = {
('q0', '1'): ('q0', '1', 'R'),
('q0', '2'): ('q_reject', '2', 'N'), # Reject if symbol 2 is encountered
For tape = list("12"), this will produce:
Copy code
Tape: 12
Head: ^
Turing machine rejected the input.
Key Takeaways
Simulating a Turing Machine: Python can simulate a Turing machine effectively, demonstrating its computational power.
Understanding Computation: This program offers insights into how fundamental computation models work.
Customization: By modifying the transition rules and tape, you can simulate various computational tasks.
This simple Turing machine simulator in Python is a great way to explore computational theory. It demonstrates how complex operations can emerge from simple rules, and it provides a platform to experiment with theoretical computer science concepts.
If you want to delve deeper, consider building visualizations or extending the simulator for more advanced computations. The possibilities are endless!
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