
🔧 Python While Loop Tutorial #Day3

Nachrichtenbereich: 🔧 Programmierung
🔗 Quelle: dev.to

Tasks on While Loop:

  1. Armstrong Number 351 3*3*3 5*5*5 1*1*1 27 + 125 + 1 153 -> not a Armstrong number
  2. Neon Number A neon number is a number where the sum of digits of square of the number is equal to the number. 9 --> 81 --> 8+1 = 9 is a Neon Number
  3. Factorial of a Number 4 = 4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24
  4. Perfect Number Sum of Divisors of a Number(except the num itself) returns the same number -> Perfect number 6 - 1, 2, 3 -> 1+2+3 = 6
  5. Prime Number
  6. List of Prime Number
  7. Emirp Number

def Armstrong(count, Num):
    sum = 0
    Out = Num
    while i<count:
        sum = sum + ((Num%10)**count)
        Num = Num//10
    if(sum == Out):
        print('Output:',sum,'Not a Armstrong')

Num = int(input('Enter the num:'))
count = 0
out = Num
while Num>=1:
    Num = Num//10
print('count :',count,' ')
Armstrong(count, out)

#Neon Number

Num = int(input("Enter the num:"))
Square = Num*Num
Neon = Num
Sum = 0
while Square >=1:
        Sum = Sum + (Square%10)
        Square = Square//10
if(Sum == Num):    
    print(Num,'Neon Number')
    print(Num,'Not a Neon Number')

# Factorial of a Number

Num = int(input('Enter the Num:'))
Fact = 1
while Num>=1:
    Fact = Fact * Num
    Num = Num-1
print('Factorial:', Fact)

#Perfect Number

Num = int(input('Enter the number:'))
i = 1
sum = 0
while i<Num:
    if(Num%i == 0):
        sum = sum + i
if(sum == Num):
    print(Num,'is a perfect Number')
    print(Num,'is not a perfect number')    

#Prime Number

Num = int(input('Enter the num:'))
i = 2
Prime = 1
if Num >1:
    while i<Num:
        if(Num%i == 0):
            Prime = 0
    if(Prime == 1):
        print(Num, 'is a prime number')
        print(Num, 'is not a prime number')
    print('Enter a valid num')

#List of Prime Numbers
Num = int(input('Enter the num:'))
i = 2
Prime = 1
j= 2

if Num >1:
    while j <= Num:                    
        while i<j:
            if(j%i == 0):
                Prime = 0
        if(Prime == 1):
            print(j, 'is a prime number')
        Prime = 1
    print('Enter a valid num')

#Emirp Number
def isPrimeNumber(Num):
    i = 2
    Prime = 1
    if Num >1:
        while i<Num:
            if(Num%i == 0):
                Prime = 0
    return Prime
Num = int(input('Enter the num:'))
isPrime = isPrimeNumber(Num)
rev_Num = 0
if(isPrime == 1):
    rev = Num
    while Num >=1:
            rev_Num = rev_Num *10 + Num%10
            Num = Num//10
    isPrime = isPrimeNumber(rev_Num)
    if(isPrime ==1):
        print(rev,'is a Emirp Number')
        print(rev,'is not a Emirp Number')
    print(Num,'is not a Emirp Number')


🔧 Python While Loop Tutorial #Day3

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