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📚 OnePlus 3T Rumored to Launch on November 14: Snapdragon 821, Sony IMX398 Sensor

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security
🔗 Quelle:

OnePlus fans are probably accustomed to see their favorite smartphone company launching new flagship phones one per year. And that's what the Chinese handset maker reiterated over the last couple of months: it will focus on releasing one flagship yearly. The OnePlus 3 is a solid device and one of the best when it comes to price. For sure there are few Android smartphones that packs a Snapdragon 820 CPU and 6GB of RAM inside, and sell for just $400 (€400) outright. However, for some reason OnePlus is now said to prepare the launch of yet another flagship smartphone, which is likely to replace the OnePlus 3. Even though the Chinese company confirmed that the OnePlus 3's production won't be stopped until next year, it did not make any comments regrading the possible launch of another product. This could mean that OnePlus could continue to... ...
