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📚 Qualcomm Confirms Snapdragon 821-Powered OnePlus Flagship Incoming

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security
🔗 Quelle:

Since the first rumors about a new flagship smartphone coming from the Chinese company, the entire OnePlus community has been very excited to see what their favorite handset maker has in store for them for the end of the year. The so-called OnePlus 3T might have just been confirmed by none other than the company that supplies its chipset, Qualcomm. Although the Chinese handset manufacturer declined to comment on plans to launch yet another flagship smartphone this year, it looks like we might need its confirmation anymore. According to Qualcomm, “something new from OnePlus is on the way … and it's powered by our Snapdragon 821 processor.” The information doesn't come with anything new since previous rumors about the OnePlus 3T highlighted the fact that the main improvement over the current flagship will be the addition of a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor inside. Also, the OnePlus 3T ... ...
