
🕵️ DrayTek Vigor AP910C 1.2.0_RC3 Build r6594 home.asp cross site scripting

Nachrichtenbereich: 🕵️ Sicherheitslücken
🔗 Quelle: vuldb.com

A vulnerability was found in DrayTek Vigor AP910C 1.2.0_RC3 Build r6594. It has been classified as problematic. Affected is some unknown processing of the file home.asp. There is no information about possible countermeasures known. It may be suggested to replace the affected object with an alternative product. ...

🕵️ DrayTek Vigor AP910C 1.2.0_RC3 Build r6594 home.asp cross site scripting

📈 169.21 Punkte
🕵️ Sicherheitslücken

🕵️ DrayTek Vigor AP910C 1.2.0_RC3 Build r6594 home.asp Cross Site Scripting

📈 169.21 Punkte
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🕵️ DrayTek Vigor AP910C 1.2.0_RC3 Build r6594 cross site request forgery

📈 150.66 Punkte
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🕵️ DrayTek Vigor AP910C 1.2.0_RC3 Build r6594 Cross Site Request Forgery

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🕵️ CVE-2023-1162 | DrayTek Vigor 2960 mainfunction.cgi sub_1225C command injection

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🕵️ CVE-2023-1163 | DrayTek Vigor 2960 mainfunction.cgi sub_1DA58 path traversal

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🕵️ CVE-2023-1009 | DrayTek Vigor 2960 mainfunction.cgi sub_1DF14 option path traversal

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