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📚 Microsoft Announces Windows 10 Will Support eSIM and 5G

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security
🔗 Quelle:

Microsoft announced at WinHEC that future Windows 10 updates, including the Creators Update, will bring new wireless connectivity options on PCs, as they will include support for 5G and eSIM. Basically, this extends the existing capabilities of PCs with modern features that would allow them to remain connected to the Internet easier and enjoy faster speeds. Specifically, future Windows 10 PCs will ship with eSIM, which is a new technology that doesn’t require a physical SIM, but a built-in electronic module that allows seamless connectivity and calling support. Microsoft says that Windows 10 users would thus be able to benefit from eSIM capabilities, and will be able to subscribe to a data plan from the Windows Store. 5G support also coming in Windows 10 And because Microsoft is investing into better cellular support in Windows 10, the company is also working with partners on adding 5G support, with Intel obviously playing an essential role, as i... ...
