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๐Ÿ“š Innovative FLOSS software, groups, and projects and overall project ethos discussion

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Last post attempt failed, so here is a super short version of my two part post.


I am interested in finding FLOSS projects and groups that are ground breaking, cutting edge, or innovative in various fields. Fields such as science, security, human development, sustainable development, agriculture, security, and open education are all of interest to me. I am particularly interested in projects that can be used for sustainable open development to elevate the overall quality of life. Some projects I watch for example are Red Hat and SUSE, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, SELinux and AppArmor, Free Desktop and the Wayland protocol, United Genomes Project, OpenStreetMap, many open source education tools and more. I have found that asking what projects others are watching is a great way to find up and coming projects that have incredible potential.


For part two, I am interested in reading or research regarding how the identity of FLOSS projects is formed through those involved. For example, the Fedora Project: I see it as a regimented FLOSS project that has a strong air of corporate and military structure, with one foot in the cathedral and one in the bazaar. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just my view after using the project for several years, reading the documentation, and observing their naming schemes and organization.

submitted by /u/olgdunf
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