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๐Ÿ“š I wrote a simple script. Critiques and suggestions are welcome!

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

(I really hope this doesn't count as self-promo)

So I've recently been spending some time learning more about Linux than I bothered to before and I've been falling more in love with it lately as well.

One of the things I got into was bash scripting. A few days ago one of my friends said- "I'd like a tool with which I can cd into directories with their serial number. That'd be fun!".

So I wrote a script that lets you do just that and it's recursive so you can glide around your file system if you feel like it. Any suggestions and feedback regarding it is welcome.

I know about POSIX compliance issues and I don't have enough knowledge to make the script POSIX compliant yet, but it currently works with Bash and ZSH.

You can check it out here-

The contains all the information you'll need about the tool. It can easily be installed and uninstalled with a single command.

Thanks in advance for checking it out and for any feedback! :D

submitted by /u/AviusAnima
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