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📚 XCOM: Chimera Squad is an experimental hybrid yielding mixed results

💡 Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Firaxis throws out the tried-and-true formula for a new kind of tactical game, with some interesting changes that work — and some that really don't. Whether you're heading up a special organization against unknown threats popping up all over the globe, or fighting back against invaders who have taken over the Earth, XCOM has always been about a fear of what lurks in the dark. That's changed with this latest entry. XCOM: Chimera Squad eschews the overarching, globe-trotting adventures of past titles with a singular focus: protecting City 31. It's a mixed bag of changes, with some of the new features being quite welcome. Quality of life changes improves gameplay, while squadmates that are full-fledged characters with banter and personality provide welcome depth and comic relief. The addition of alien and hybrids to the roster is also quite enjoyable. On the other hand, the narrow focus on the breaching concept as a repeated setup, compact maps, and the complete lack of permadeath ... ...

📌 XCOM: Chimera Squad is an experimental hybrid yielding mixed results

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