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📚 Microsoft Teams maximum group chat size to increase this month

💡 Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Group chats in Microsoft Teams can more than double in size, thanks to an update rolling out this month. What you need to know The maximum number of group chat participants will increase in Microsoft Teams this month. The update brings the maximum number of group chat participants from 100 to 250. The update is rolling out now and will be completed by mid-May. Microsoft Teams group chats can be significantly larger starting this month. A new update is rolling out now that increases the maximum number of group chat participants from 100 to 250. Petri reports that the update will be available to all Microsoft Teams tenants by mid-May, pointing toward the Microsoft 365 roadmap. Large group chats in Microsoft Teams have a few settings that make them easier to manage. For example, any chat with more than 20 people turns off Outlook automatic replies and Teams status messages, typing indicators, video and audio calling, and read receipts. Unfortunately, admins cannot limit a chat's ... ...

📌 Microsoft Teams maximum group chat size to increase this month

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