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📚 Check out the gameplay trailer for Star Wars: Squadrons

💡 Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
🔗 Quelle:

Here's what EA Motive's new 5v5 title looks like in action. What you need to know EA Motive is developing Star Wars: Squadrons, a 5v5 title about being an Imperial or New Republic pilot. During EA Play Live, gameplay for Star Wars: Squadrons was unveiled. Star Wars: Squadrons is set to release on October 2, 2020. During EA Play Live, new Star Wars: Squadrons gameplay was revealed. You can take a look at the gameplay trailer below: In addition to giving a look at the game in action, we also got an idea of the different ship classes: Fighters, Intercepters, Support ships and Bombers. There's also two distinct multiplayer modes: Dogfight and Fleet Battles. Star Wars: Squadrons is set to release on October 2 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It supports full cross-play, as well as VR on PS4 and PC. Danger zone Star Wars: Squadrons $40 at Microsoft Store (Xbox) $40 at Steam (PC) 5v5, Empire vs New Republic Star Wars: Squadrons places players in Vanguard Squadron or Titan Squ... ...

📌 Check out the gameplay trailer for Star Wars: Squadrons

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📌 E3: "Star Wars Squadrons": Gameplay-Szenen zeigen Raumschlachten

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📌 Star Wars: Squadrons

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📌 Star Wars: Squadrons officially revealed, releasing on October 2

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📌 Here's every starship (so far) in Star Wars: Squadrons

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