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๐Ÿ“š Batman Arkham developer Rocksteady reportedly making a Suicide Squad game

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Two next-generation DC Comics projects from WB Games are on the way. What you need to know According to a new report, Rocksteady is developing a game based on the Suicide Squad. This game and the new Batman game rumored to be in development by WB Montreal are reportedly next-gen projects. Both games will reportedly be revealed in August with teasers at DC Fandome. According to a new report from Eurogamer, Rocksteady is in fact developing a game based on the Suicide Squad villain team-up. This, as well as WB Montreal's long-rumored Batman game, are reportedly next-generation games. Both games are also reportedly being revealed with teasers at the DC Fandome event in August. Eurogamer's report comes after new web domains were discovered such as "" and "" both of which are likely game titles and provide insight into what said games are all about. Since both are referred to as next-generation games, these titles will presuma... ...

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