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๐Ÿ“š What got you into Linux, and hows has your experience evolved over time.

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

This was originally posted on r/linuxmint by someone else and I wanted to see how the wider Linux community would respond.

When I was very young (back in 2004-7) my Dad had a few ThinkPad Laptops which had Xubuntu on them, this was my first experience with Linux. Through the 10s my Dad used Mint and raved about it. When I went to Uni in 2017 I got myself a Laptop (I had a PC but it was only used for gaming, so it had windows) and I duel booted Mint. I never touch Windows anymore; Proton has seen that the only reason to use Windows is dead. My PC is broke but when I repair it I will install Mint.

Mint is simple and clean, doesn't have bloated software and I feel fully in control of what processes are running on my machine. As part of my degree I do some coding and Linux is a superior environment for this. GCC is effectively standard, advanced text editing tools (I use VIM) are far better for coding. I'm trying to encourage some of my friends to move, most are reluctant but there are a few who are catching on to the idea after getting sick of Windows 10.

People always joke about this but for me, this decade will be the decade of Linux (for me, don't count on the rest of the world).

submitted by /u/T_Mono1
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