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๐Ÿ“š Twitter says 130 accounts targeted, 45 compromised in security breach

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Eight non-verified accounts had their data, including DMs downloaded. What you need to know Twitter has published an update on a major security breach earlier this week. It says 130 accounts were targeted, and 45 were compromised. Eight non-verified accounts had all of their data, including DMs downloaded. Twitter has confirmed that 130 accounts were targeted and 45 were compromised in a security breach earlier this week. In a blog post the company stated: As we've been informing via the @TwitterSupport account, on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, we detected a security incident at Twitter and took immediate action. As we head into the weekend, we want to provide an overview of where we are. Twitter says that attackers targeted "certain Twitter employees through a social engineering scheme", in the context, "the intentional manipulation of people into performing certain actions and divulging confidential information." A recent Motherboard report claims hackers simply paid off ... ...

๐Ÿ“Œ Twitter says 130 accounts targeted, 45 compromised in security breach

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