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📚 Avast Antivirus up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe denial of service

💡 Newskategorie: Sicherheitslücken
🔗 Quelle:

A vulnerability was found in Avast Antivirus up to 19 (Anti-Malware Software). It has been declared as problematic. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown code block of the file AvastSvc.exe of the component TaskEx Library. Upgrading to version 20 eliminates this vulnerability. ...

📌 Avast Antivirus up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe denial of service

📈 94.23 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-10861 | Avast Antivirus up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe input validation

📈 88.74 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-10865 | Avast Antivirus up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe unknown vulnerability

📈 88.74 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-10863 | Avast Antivirus up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe Shutdown input validation

📈 88.74 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-10862 | Avast Antivirus up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe privileges management

📈 88.74 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-10868 | Avast Antivirus up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe RPC Call permission assignment

📈 88.74 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-10867 | Avast Antivirus up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe exposure of resource

📈 88.74 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-10866 | Avast Access Point up to 19 TaskEx Library AvastSvc.exe inadequate encryption

📈 80.66 Punkte

📌 CVE-2020-10860 | Avast Antivirus up to 19 aswAvLog Log Library AvastSvc.exe out-of-bounds write

📈 60.98 Punkte

📌 Avast Antivirus up to 16 on Windows LPC Interface API AvastSVC.exe privilege escalation

📈 53.54 Punkte

📌 Avast Antivirus bis 16 auf Windows LPC Interface API AvastSVC.exe erweiterte Rechte

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📌 Avast Antivirus up to 19.3 AvastSvc.exe privilege escalation

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📌 March Hare WinCVS/CVS Suite Library Loader wincvs2.exe/wincvs.exe privilege escalation

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📌 March Hare WinCVS/CVS Suite Library Loader wincvs2.exe/wincvs.exe erweiterte Rechte

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