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๐Ÿ“š A (hopefully temporary) farewell to the linux ecosystem

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: Linux Tipps
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

I had an interest in the linux ecosystem for a while now. It's been fun trying to migrate from windows to various linux distros and just interacting with various communities on the internet. It's been fun learning all the various intricacies in handling the software and all the freedom it gave me to just use my machine. It felt secure and fast on my old and failing laptop. However, I have a new machine which has proprietory software within windows that I do see as being useful for the long term usage of my new machine. I unfortunately am no longer in a position where I can experiment either because of the fact that work has piled up and a lot of the software needed to do those tasks are locked on windows. I will still continue to use FOSS alternatives, and still follow on communities. Heck, I might even go back to linux after I see how much the software is actually useful for me but now I feel that I want to say farewell to this ecosystem. I very much hope to see this community foster and flourish towards the future.

submitted by /u/bad_advices_guy
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๐Ÿ“Œ A (hopefully temporary) farewell to the linux ecosystem

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