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📚 Microsoft and partners cut off key Trickbot botnet infrastructure

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Two weeks after someone (allegedly the US Cyber Command) temporarily interrupted the operation of the infamous Trickbot botnet, a coalition of tech companies headed by Microsoft has struck a serious blow against its operators. “We disrupted Trickbot through a court order we obtained as well as technical action we executed in partnership with telecommunications providers around the world. We have now cut off key infrastructure so those operating Trickbot will no longer be able to … More

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📌 Microsoft and partners cut off key Trickbot botnet infrastructure

📈 66.94 Punkte

📌 Tech Companies Take Down TrickBot Botnet Infrastructure

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📌 TrickBot is Dead. Long Live TrickBot!

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📌 Microsoft and others orchestrate takedown of TrickBot botnet

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📌 Microsoft and Other Tech Companies Take Down TrickBot Botnet

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📌 Ryuk Ransomware Partners with TrickBot to Gain Access to Infected Networks

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📌 ITG08 (aka FIN6) Partners With TrickBot Gang, Uses Anchor Framework

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📌 Microsoft und Partner schalten Trickbot Botnet aus

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📌 Microsoft partnered with other security firms to takedown TrickBot botnet

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📌 Microsoft Counterstrikes On Trickbot Botnet To Safeguard US Elections

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📌 TrickBot botnet survives takedown attempt, but Microsoft sets new legal precedent

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📌 TrickBot botnet targeted in takedown operations, little impact seen

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📌 Trickbot-Botnet: US-Militär startet Gegenangriff

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📌 Trickbot-Botnet: US-Militär startet Gegenangriff

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📌 TrickBot Botnet Survives Takedown Attempt

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