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๐Ÿ“š Microsoft Releases Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB4587587 to Insiders

๐Ÿ’ก Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
๐Ÿ”— Quelle:

Microsoft has just released a new Windows 10 cumulative update to insiders in the Dev channel, but this, the goal isnโ€™t to introduce further enhancements that would then make their way to the production channel but to actually help test the servicing pipeline. For production devices, Microsoft rolled out new cumulative updates earlier this week as part of the October 2020 Patch Tuesday cycle. On the other hand, this update that is live today in the Insider program is supposed to help Microsoft test the servicing pipeline, therefore it doesnโ€™t include any new features. The new cumulative update is KB4587587, and it increases the OS build number to 20236.1005. To see what OS build youโ€™re running, just click the Start menu, type winver, and then compare the numbers in the dialog with the one here. โ€œWe are starting to roll out Cumulative Update Build 20236.1005 (KB4587587). This update does not contain new features and is designed to test our servicing pipel... ...

๐Ÿ“Œ Microsoft Releases Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB4587587 to Insiders

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