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📚 Microsoft Silently Starts Working on Windows 10 21H2

💡 Newskategorie: IT Security Nachrichten
🔗 Quelle:

Microsoft has only recently shipped Windows 10 version 20H2, but the company is already hard at work on preparing the operating system for the year 2021. Just like before, the next-year lineup of Windows 10 feature updates will include two separate releases, one in the spring and another one in the fall. Previously, Microsoft shipped major improvements in the spring release, while the fall update was focused more on under the hood optimizations and less on new features. In 2021, however, the two feature updates will change places, so the spring update will be just a minor pack of improvements, while the fall sibling is the one bringing bigger changes. And according to a report from WL, Microsoft is already working on Windows 10 version 21H2 (the one due in the fall of the next year), as the Windows team is currently internally testing build 21264. On the o... ...

📌 Microsoft Silently Starts Working on Windows 10 21H2

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📌 Microsoft testet Windows 10 Version 21H2 mit "Sun Valley"-Oberfläche

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📌 Microsoft verbessert neue Taskleiste für Windows 10 21H2-Update

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📌 Windows 21H2: Microsoft ersetzt die wichtigsten Icons

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📌 Windows 10 21H2: Microsoft deaktiviert 'Aero Shake' standardmäßig

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📌 Windows 10 21H2: Microsoft plant Taskleiste mit schwebenden Menüs

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📌 Microsoft kündigt Windows 10 Version 21H2 an

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📌 Microsoft testet Windows 10 Version 21H2 mit "Sun Valley"-Oberfläche

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📌 Microsoft veröffentlicht KB5014699 für Windows 10 Version 20H2, 21H1 und 21H2 -

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📌 Microsoft testet bereits Windows 10 21H2 Update

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📌 Microsoft verbessert neue Taskleiste für Windows 10 21H2-Update

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📌 Windows 21H2: Microsoft trennt die Taskleiste von Explorer.exe

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📌 Windows 10: Microsoft bestätigt Version 21H2 für den kommenden Herbst

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📌 CVE-2022-33644 | Microsoft Windows 10 20H2/10 21H1/10 21H2 Xbox Live Save Service Privilege Escalation

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📌 CVE-2022-35797 | Microsoft Windows 10 20H2/10 21H1/10 21H2/10 1809/11 Hello Security Local Privilege Escalation

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📌 Microsoft veröffentlicht KB5016688 für Windows 10 Version 20H2, 21H1 und 21H2 als Vorschau

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