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📚 Cyberpunk 2077 releases hotfix 1.05 to consoles, set to come to PC later

💡 Newskategorie: Windows Tipps
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Including the removal of a file that shouldn't be there and call issues with NPCS. What you need to know CD Projekt Red released the 1.05 hotfix Friday night for Xbox and PlayStation consoles. The update fixes various issues, including some quest-specific bugs, issues with performance, and even NPC reaction time. The hotfix will be deployed with PC-specific fixes at a later date. After a crazy first week for Cyberpunk 2077, developer CD Projekt Red released hotfix 1.05 Friday night, which is set to bring various fixes to both PC and consoles. It's now available for Xbox and PlayStation, and will be available for PCs at a later date. Some highlights include a number of mission-specific questions, including moments when Delamain appeared upside down and issues with receiving calls from certain NPCs — whether you received too many of them or not enough. The big change for console players regards visual improvements when Chromatic Aberration and Film Grain are on. For PC players,... ...

📌 Cyberpunk 2077 releases hotfix 1.05 to consoles, set to come to PC later

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